[postgis-users] help with the Union of 2 shp
Nicolas Ribot
nicolas.ribot at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 03:33:31 PST 2013
If you have a lot of data in your tables, it could be much faster to to a
CREATE TABLE as SELECT... than doing an update on an existing table.
On 15 December 2013 23:48, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares <
islanis at infomed.sld.cu> wrote:
> Hey all, i follow your answer Remi, but do this because your code come to
> me late:
> --part 1
> CREATE TABLE all_lines AS
> SELECT ST_ExteriorRing((ST_Dump(z.the_geom)).geom) AS the_geom
> FROM public.rad_solar_global z
> SELECT ST_ExteriorRing((ST_Dump(r.the_geom)).geom) AS the_geom
> FROM public.rad_solar_plano_inclinado r;
> UPDATE all_lines SET the_geom=ST_SetSRID(the_geom,4326);
> SELECT Populate_Geometry_Columns('public.all_lines'::regclass);
> ALTER TABLE all_lines ADD column gid serial;
> ALTER TABLE all_lines ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);
> --part 2
> (SELECT ST_LineMerge(k.the_geom) AS the_geom
> FROM public.all_lines k);
> UPDATE all_lines_MERGED SET the_geom=ST_SetSRID(the_geom,4326);
> SELECT Populate_Geometry_Columns('public.all_lines_MERGED'::regclass);
> ALTER TABLE all_lines_MERGED ADD column gid serial;
> --part 3
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rad_solar_directa_SPLITED;
> CREATE TABLE rad_solar_directa_SPLITED AS
> (SELECT ST_Split(b.the_geom,k.the_geom) AS the_geom
> FROM public.rad_solar_directa b,public.all_lines_MERGED k);
> UPDATE rad_solar_directa_SPLITED SET the_geom=ST_SetSRID(the_geom,4326);
> Populate_Geometry_Columns('public.rad_solar_directa_SPLITED'::regclass);
> ALTER TABLE rad_solar_directa_SPLITED ADD column gid serial;
> ALTER TABLE rad_solar_directa_SPLITED ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);
> --i just have made part 1,2 and am still in part 3, am there since 2 days
> ago, is there a way to know if this is working fine or if it fall in an
> unfinish error. am still in part 3, is that posible? help please.
> Cheers,
> Ale
> El 14/12/13 17:19, Rémi Cura escribió:
> OK,
> with luck you won't have precision issues.
> (please note that the only good way to do this is to use
> postgis_topology and faces.)
> So here is one idea to do it :
> table1 : first image, very big shape
> table 2 : second image, smal rectangular shape
> table 3 third image , mdium irregular shape
> 1.) convert poly from table 1 and table 3 to linestring. (i called these
> lines dumped_lines for the following)
> You can do it manually or use the function I wrote (beta)
> https://github.com/Remi-C/PPPP_utilities/blob/master/postgis/rc_DumpLines.sql
> 2.) split poly from table 2 by the dumped_lines from table 1 (
> http://postgis.net/docs/ST_Split.html) . The result are polygons
> 3.) Split the result from 2. by dumpl_lines from table 3. The result are
> polygons.
> 3. is what you want geometrically. I'll call it splited_polygons for the
> following
> Now you want to get, for each splitted_polygons, the id of polygons of
> table 1, and 3 which overlaps. You already have id from table 2 because you
> can keep it during computing of 2. and 3.
> you can do it sequentially :
> SELECT DISTINCT ON (sp.geom) sp.geom, aray_agg(id) AS id_table1
> FROM splited_polygons AS sp, table_1
> WHERE ST_Overlaps(sp.geom, table_1.geom)=TRUE
> , then the same type of query on result, with table 3
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2013/12/12 <islanis at infomed.sld.cu>
>> I want to create little pieces of multipolygons from these 3 shapes (A,B
>> and C)=result , result with all the sections formed with the intersection
>> from the 3 shapes together, come on tell me , do you understand now what i
>> want
>> thanks
>> no never mind am not offended, am trying that you understand Ok, here
>>> are png of my 3 multipolygon shapes, what else do you need
>>> "Rémi Cura" <remi.cura at gmail.com> escribió:
>>> Sorry I'm not trying to offend you.
>>>> For example in this thread
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/postgis-users/9pozIoUAZuI
>>>> The asker posted an image to explain better.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Rémi-C
>>>> 2013/12/12 <islanis at infomed.sld.cu>
>>>> no is not dificult to understand, what ever you want i'll give , just
>>>>> ask
>>>>> what do you want to a better understanding. please i need it
>>>>> "Rémi Cura" <remi.cura at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>> I'm very sorry it is difficult to understand what you mean.
>>>>>> Maybe with a real drawing and link here to it, or to some screenshots?
>>>>>> ;-)
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>>> 2013/12/12 <islanis at infomed.sld.cu>
>>>>>> thanks for the quick answer Rémi, but, thats right thats one of
>>>>>> answers,
>>>>>>> but my idea was not complete,because there is a
>>>>>>> 3rd shape, your answer works fine for the 1st and 2dn shapes, but not
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the 3rd, because the 3rd has not suares inside,
>>>>>>> the 3rd shape have big triangles inside,the idea is that i need some
>>>>>>> routine that merge or blend the spatial data and with it the
>>>>>>> attributes
>>>>>>> of respective data, i need some ideas for do that, and am working on
>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>> but not sucess, please i need help, thanks for all.
>>>>>>> 1-the first shapefile
>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>> | 1 | shp=A
>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>> |_________________|
>>>>>>> num of poligons=1
>>>>>>> The one big country, this is a multipolygon shape
>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01 numeric,dni02 numeric,dni03 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni04 numeric,dni05 numeric,dni06 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni07 numeric,dni08 numeric,dni09 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni10 numeric,dni11 numeric,dni12 numeric,
>>>>>>> dniann numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>> 2-and the second shapefile
>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 |
>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 | shp=B
>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 |
>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>> num of poligons = 6
>>>>>>> The same country, but this time in little pieces, the states, this
>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> multipolygon shape too
>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01 numeric,dni02 numeric,dni03 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni04 numeric,dni05 numeric,dni06 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni07 numeric,dni08 numeric,dni09 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni10 numeric,dni11 numeric,dni12 numeric,
>>>>>>> dniann numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>> 3-and the second shapefile
>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>> | / |
>>>>>>> | / |
>>>>>>> | 3 / | shp=C
>>>>>>> | / |
>>>>>>> | / 4 |
>>>>>>> |_____/___________|
>>>>>>> num of poligons = 2
>>>>>>> The same country, but this time in little pieces, the states, this
>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> multipolygon shape too
>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01 numeric,dni02 numeric,dni03 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni04 numeric,dni05 numeric,dni06 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni07 numeric,dni08 numeric,dni09 numeric,
>>>>>>> dni10 numeric,dni11 numeric,dni12 numeric,
>>>>>>> dniann numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>> and i want join the 2 shapes in only one shapefile getting something
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> ______________________________
>>>>>>> | | / |
>>>>>>> | |1,2,3 / |
>>>>>>> | 1,2,3 | /1,2,4 |
>>>>>>> | | / |
>>>>>>> |______________|____/_________|
>>>>>>> | |1,2/ | shp=A and B
>>>>>>> | |,3/ |
>>>>>>> | 1,2,3 | / 1,2,4 |
>>>>>>> | |/ |
>>>>>>> |______________/______________|
>>>>>>> | /| |
>>>>>>> | / | |
>>>>>>> | 1,2,3 /1,| 1,2,4 |
>>>>>>> | /2,4| |
>>>>>>> |_________/____|______________|
>>>>>>> num of poligons = 9
>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01A numeric,dni02A numeric,dni03A numeric,dni04A numeric,
>>>>>>> dni05A numeric,dni06A numeric,dni07A numeric,dni08A numeric,
>>>>>>> dni09A numeric,dni10A numeric,dni11A numeric,dni12A numeric,
>>>>>>> dniannA numeric,dni01B numeric,dni02B numeric,dni03B numeric,
>>>>>>> dni04B numeric,dni05B numeric,dni06B numeric,dni07B numeric,
>>>>>>> dni08B numeric,dni09B numeric,dni10B numeric,dni11B numeric,
>>>>>>> dni12B numeric,dniannB numeric,dni01C numeric,dni02C numeric,
>>>>>>> dni03C numeric,dni04C numeric,dni05C numeric,dni06C numeric,
>>>>>>> dni07C numeric,dni08C numeric,dni09C numeric,dni10C numeric,
>>>>>>> dni11C numeric,dni12C numeric,dniannC numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>> "Rémi Cura" <remi.cura at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>>> Seems like If you want :
>>>>>>> for each little square, get the id of big square overlaping.
>>>>>>>> If this is simply this, you don't need the "intersection" function,
>>>>>>>> but only the "intersects" function :
>>>>>>>> You could do something like this
>>>>>>>> SELECT ss.id, bs.id , ss.geom
>>>>>>>> FROM smal_square_table AS ss, big_square_table AS bs
>>>>>>>> WHERE ST_Intersects(ss.geom,bs.geom)=TRUE
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>>>>> 2013/12/12 <islanis at infomed.sld.cu>
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Try pg 21 of this: http://presentations.opengeo.
>>>>>>>>>> org/2011_FOSS4G/postgis-power.pdf
>>>>>>>>>> That will give you the metacode.
>>>>>>>>>> Overlays. (he sighs.) Be glad you only have 2 layers... .
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>>>> Hey steve thanks for the book is really good as a resume, but the
>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>> apart that it have to do with my problem is the intersection of 2
>>>>>>>>> shapes
>>>>>>>>> "SELECT
>>>>>>>>> a.*, b.*,
>>>>>>>>> ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.geom)
>>>>>>>>> FROM
>>>>>>>>> a, b
>>>>>>>>> WHERE
>>>>>>>>> ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"
>>>>>>>>> but my problem is different, i got as a mention 2 shapes with the
>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>> projection and place,
>>>>>>>>> and are the same but one is from one study, and the other is from
>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>> stufy, but are the same
>>>>>>>>> place and each one have data, the only things that they got
>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> the size of the squares,the data they got and the
>>>>>>>>> name of the columns are the same, but the values are different
>>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> type of the study
>>>>>>>>> ,there is one that have the squares more smaller that the other,
>>>>>>>>> but i
>>>>>>>>> dont want lose any data, i need that in the map it has seen like
>>>>>>>>> the figure "A and B" but in the data each row got the values of A
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> values of B
>>>>>>>>> 1-the first shapefile
>>>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>> | 1 | shp=A
>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>> |_________________|
>>>>>>>>> The one big country, this is a multipolygon shape
>>>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01 numeric,dni02 numeric,dni03 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni04 numeric,dni05 numeric,dni06 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni07 numeric,dni08 numeric,dni09 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni10 numeric,dni11 numeric,dni12 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dniann numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>>>> 2-and the second shapefile
>>>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 |
>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 | shp=B
>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 |
>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>> The same country, but this time in little pieces, the states, this
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> multipolygon shape too
>>>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01 numeric,dni02 numeric,dni03 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni04 numeric,dni05 numeric,dni06 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni07 numeric,dni08 numeric,dni09 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni10 numeric,dni11 numeric,dni12 numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dniann numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>>>> and i want join the 2 shapes in only one shapefile getting
>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>>>> | 1,2 | 1,2 |
>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>> | 1,2 | 1,2 | shp=A and B
>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>> | 1,2 | 1,2 |
>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>> DATA=>dni01A numeric,dni02A numeric,dni03A numeric,dni04A numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni05A numeric,dni06A numeric,dni07A numeric,dni08A numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni09A numeric,dni10A numeric,dni11A numeric,dni12A numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dniannA numeric,dni01B numeric,dni02B numeric,dni03B numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni04B numeric,dni05B numeric,dni06B numeric,dni07B numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni08B numeric,dni09B numeric,dni10B numeric,dni11B numeric,
>>>>>>>>> dni12B numeric,dniannB numeric,the_geom geometry
>>>>>>>>> i think that this is posible to do with postgis, but i dont know
>>>>>>>>> why,
>>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>> looking in quantumGIS but i lose data cause the big suare overlap
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> little
>>>>>>>>> ones and i lose data cause there is some places that i get NULL.
>>>>>>>>> please help
>>>>>>>>> thanks for all
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:03 AM, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares <
>>>>>>>>>> islanis at infomed.sld.cu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi People, i need your help, let say that i have 2 shapefiles
>>>>>>>>>>> 1-the first shapefile
>>>>>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>>>> | 1 | shp=B
>>>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>>>>> |_________________|
>>>>>>>>>>> One big country, this is a multipolygon shape
>>>>>>>>>>> 2-and the second shapefile
>>>>>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 |
>>>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 | shp=B
>>>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>>>> | 2 | 2 |
>>>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>>>> The same country, but this time in little pieces, the states,
>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> a multipolygon shape too
>>>>>>>>>>> and i want join the 2 shapes in only one shapefile getting
>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>> like this
>>>>>>>>>>> __________________
>>>>>>>>>>> | 1,2 | 1,2 |
>>>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>>>> | 1,2 | 1,2 | shp=A and B
>>>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>>>> | 1,2 | 1,2 |
>>>>>>>>>>> |________|________|
>>>>>>>>>>> i think that this is posible, please help me to get somthing
>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>> this i need it.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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