[postgis-users] GeometryCollection with GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONM, POINTM etc.. value in constructor.
Paul Ramsey
pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Mon Dec 23 09:30:41 PST 2013
We need patches for Java issues as we have no active JDBC/Java maintainers ATM.
On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Baris Ergun <barisergun75 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have tested the issue with latest snapshot 2.1.0SVN for jdbc driver. The
> GeometryCollection still cannot parse the String value correctly. There is a
> similar issue in postgis extension source codes.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/724
> So with the Java based jdbc codes it looks like we hit the same case. If I
> could report this as a bug to trac I would do it right away but I dont have
> access to there.
> On 21 December 2013 11:57, Baris Ergun <barisergun75 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Remi;
>> Who should I get in touch about this issue related to
>> org.postgis.GeometryCollection constructor in postgis jdbc driver.
>> Thanks.
>> On 18 December 2013 10:53, Baris Ergun <barisergun75 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Exactly correct. I also tried to tell that the problem was originated
>>> from org.postgis.GeometryCollection constructor. So I posted to here to
>>> understand why constructor was behaving like this. This constructor is in
>>> postgis-jdbc.jar . Anyone knowing about this problem on the
>>> org.postgis.GeometryCollection constructor?
>>> On 18 December 2013 10:35, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> using this in sql :
>>>> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromText(
>>>> POINTM(10 10 100),
>>>> LINESTRINGM(0 50 100, 100 50 100),
>>>> POLYGONM((25 25 100,75 25 100,75 75 100,25 75 100,25 25 100),(45 45
>>>> 100,55 45 100,55 55 100,45 55 100,45 45 100))
>>>> )'
>>>> ))
>>>> It gives you the expected output.
>>>> I would guess it is the java function you are using that is faulty (the
>>>> geometrycollection constructer).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Rémi-C
>>>> 2013/12/18 Baris Ergun <barisergun75 at gmail.com>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> I create a GeometryCollection as below
>>>>> GeometryCollection coll = new GeometryCollection(
>>>>> 100),LINESTRINGM(0 50 100, 100 50 100),POLYGONM((25 25 100,75 25 100,75 75
>>>>> 100,25 75 100,25 25 100),(45 45 100,55 45 100,55 55 100,45 55 100,45 45
>>>>> 100)))"));
>>>>> when I reprint the coll.toString() I see that my geom string is changed
>>>>> to below :
>>>>> "SRID=-1;GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONM(POINT(10 10 100),LINESTRING(0 50 100, 100
>>>>> 50 100),POLYGON((25 25 100,75 25 100,75 75 100,25 75 100,25 25 100),(45 45
>>>>> 100,55 45 100,55 55 100,45 55 100,45 45 100)))"
>>>>> As you can see GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONM is preserved but POINTM LINESTRINGM
>>>>> and POLYGONM is changed to POINT LINESTRING and POLYGON . And because of
>>>>> this I get cannot mix dimensionality when I am trying to insert this geom to
>>>>> database.
>>>>> I have tried this with postgis jdbc driver 1.1.5; 1.3.3 and 2.0.1
>>>>> versions.
>>>>> This is a test written in datanucleus orm for geospatial extensions and
>>>>> the test is run against the below table (create script) in postgresql db.
>>>>> CREATE TABLE public.samplepggeometrycollectionm
>>>>> (
>>>>> samplepggeometrycollectionm_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT
>>>>> nextval('samplepggeometrycollectionm_samplepggeometrycollectionm_id_seq'::regclass),
>>>>> geom geometry(GeometryCollectionM),
>>>>> id bigint NOT NULL,
>>>>> name character varying(255),
>>>>> CONSTRAINT samplepggeometrycollectionm_pkey PRIMARY KEY
>>>>> (samplepggeometrycollectionm_id)
>>>>> )
>>>>> WITH (
>>>>> );
>>>>> ALTER TABLE public.samplepggeometrycollectionm
>>>>> OWNER TO postgres;
>>>>> Awaiting ur suggestions.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Baris
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>>> --
>>> Barış
>>> www.linkedin.com/in/barisergun
>> --
>> Barış
>> www.linkedin.com/in/barisergun
> --
> Barış
> www.linkedin.com/in/barisergun
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