[postgis-users] How to improve query with repeated spatial join query

Jo winfixit at gmail.com
Fri May 3 03:31:42 PDT 2013

As far as I understand SQL, it's normal you repeat clauses. I'm pretty sure
the optimizer takes care of that and they are not actually executed more
than once.

Maybe indexes on the ST_Centroid functions would help?

Where do g.geom and f.geom come from?


2013/5/3 Alexandre Neto <senhor.neto at gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> My goal is to calculate for each building it's volume
> percentage relatively to the total buildings volume inside the statistical
> parcel he is in.
> I have written the SQL code below (that works), but I think it might be
> improved, since I see repeated proceedings in it.
> I would greatly appreciate if someone give me some advice about it.
> Thanks,
> Alexandre Neto
> -----------
> b.gid,
>  b.volume / t.total_volume as vol_per,
> b.geom,
> p.bgri11 as bgri11,
> buildings as b,
> stat_parcels as p,
>  sum(b.volume) as total_volume,
> p.bgri11 as bgri11
>  buildings as b,
> stat_parcels as p
>  ST_CONTAINS(p.geom, St_centroid(b.geom))
> p.bgri11) as t
> ST_CONTAINS(g.geom, St_centroid(f.geom))
> AND p.bgri11 = t.bgri11;
> My tables look like this:
> CREATE TABLE buildings
>   gid serial NOT NULL,
>   volume double precision,
>   geom geometry(MultiPolygon,27493),
>   CONSTRAINT edificios_habitacao_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid);
> CREATE TABLE stat_parcels
>   gid serial NOT NULL,
>   bgri11 character varying(11),
>   geom geometry(MultiPolygon,27493),
>   CONSTRAINT bgri11_cascais_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid)
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