[postgis-users] ST_GeomFromText vs ST_MakeEnvelope

John Cartwright john.c.cartwright at comcast.net
Tue Oct 1 14:43:46 PDT 2013

Hello All,

I'm trying to understand why I get different results in PostGIS 2.1/Postgresql 9.2. using the following queries:

select name, ST_AsText(a.geom) as geom from cities a where a.geom && ST_MakeEnvelope(-107,39, -102, 42, 4326);

select name, ST_AsText(a.geom) as geom from cities a where a.geom && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-107 39, -102 39, -102 42, -17 42, -107 39))', 4326);

Can someone please explain?



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