[postgis-users] multipoints to raster

Radan Šuba nadarabus at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 01:43:21 PDT 2013


The dataset of points is already sorted and processed, the points are in
regular grid and they are not overlapping. The relation 1 point = 1 pixel
can be used, where value of pixel should be Z value. The result should look
like heat map. However, ST_AsRaster function cannot be used for that. The
function only create the raster with "footprint of geometry" where all
pixels have same value.  Any other suggestions?


> Hi all,
> I want to create raster from multipoints geometry where value of pixels is
> Z value of points. I want to do everything in the database. Is there any
> simple query for that?
> So far, I have found the quite complicated way: First create a empty
> raster with ST_MakeEmptyRaster, secondly ST_AddBand and at the end
> ST_SetValues which is new functions release recently (PostGIS version
> I am wondering how have these conversion been done until now?
> Thank for any answer
> Radan
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