[postgis-users] Subject: Re: raster2pgsql 2.1.1 on Windows 7 64bit - ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe

Guillaume Drolet droletguillaume at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 14:03:58 PDT 2014

Regina, Remi:

No space in filenames. GDAL version is 1.11dev. I don't have any
problems importing shapefiles into PostGIS.

Encoding was already UTF8 but I tried your suggestion (SET
PGCLIENT...) and I still have errors with SQL files having incomplete
last line.

I noticed that my LC_COLLATE and LC_TYPE are both set
'French.Canadian.1252'. Maybe this is the source of the problem. I
tried creating a new cluster with --no-locale to make some tests with
raster2pgsql but I screwed up and messed with my current cluster in
the process...

Will do more tests when I'm back from Easter Holiday and I fixed my
cluster problem.
Thanks for your help.



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