[postgis-users] Finding records withing XX distance from a geometry in the same table

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 10:31:15 PDT 2014

Damn I'm really tired.
Second join is useless.
So you end up like this :

WITH my_input_polygon AS (
 SELECT geom
FROM sdgis.parcels4326 AS parcels
 WHERE apn = 3500600300
,filtering_with_geometry AS (
SELECT mip.geom AS target,  p.geom
FROM my_input_polygon AS mip
INNER JOIN sdgis.parcels4326 AS p ON
SELECT fw.geom
FROM filtering_with_geometry AS fw

2014-07-10 18:54 GMT+02:00 Alexander W. Rolek <a.rolek at gmail.com>:

> This looks great. I will give it a run tonight and let you know the
> results. I really appreciate the suggestions.
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oups, sent it to early.
>> If you trust the planner you can simply try :
>> WITH my_input_polygon AS (
>>  SELECT geom
>> FROM sdgis.parcels4326 AS parcels
>>  WHERE apn = 3500600300
>> )
>> SELECT mip.*
>> FROM my_input_polygon AS mip
>> INNER JOIN sdgis.parcels4326 AS p ON
>> (
>> (ST_DWITHIN(mip.geom,p.geom,2*100)=TRUE)
>>  AND (ST_DWITHIN(mip.geom::geography,p.geom::geography,
>> 100)=TRUE)
>> )
>> Cheers,
>> Rémi-C
>> 2014-07-10 18:33 GMT+02:00 Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>:
>> A single statement
>>> , the 2 step is only metaphorical (or can be enforced if you use CTE).
>>> Somehting liek this (untested)
>>> WITH my_input_polygon AS (
>>>  SELECT geom
>>> FROM sdgis.parcels4326 AS parcels
>>>  WHERE apn = 3500600300
>>> )
>>> ,filtering_with_geometry AS (
>>> SELECT p.*
>>> FROM my_input_polygon AS mip
>>> INNER JOIN sdgis.parcels4326 AS p ON
>>> (ST_DWITHIN(mip.geom,p.geom,2*100)=TRUE)
>>> )
>>> SELECT fw.*
>>> FROM filtering_with_geometry AS fw
>>> INNER JOIN sdgis.parcels4326 AS p ON
>>> (ST_DWITHIN(mip.geom::geography,p.geom::geography,
>>> 100)=TRUE)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rémi-C
>>> 2014-07-10 18:01 GMT+02:00 Alexander W. Rolek <a.rolek at gmail.com>:
>>> The 2 step query is an interesting idea. Would I need to do that in 2
>>>> queries, or can that be accomplished in a single statement?
>>>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> I'm glad you found out.
>>>>> I never tried but you could probably try to index on the result of the
>>>>> cast :
>>>>> .
>>>>> However if your distance are not that big (compaired to earth curve),
>>>>> stick to geometry.
>>>>> If your distances are big, go geography.
>>>>> You could also simply do it in 2 steps, a first step with geometry and
>>>>> maybe 2 times the distance to be sure on all the table, a second step more
>>>>> precise with geography on only the result of the previous filter.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>> 2014-07-10 17:47 GMT+02:00 Alexander W. Rolek <a.rolek at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Remi -
>>>>>> Thanks again for the quick response. I dug into this a bit more last
>>>>>> night, and apparently the issue was the distance I was using with the
>>>>>> ST_DWithin call. When I had a projection under 2230, the unit of measure
>>>>>> was feet. With 4326 it appears to be degrees. I kept the distance of 100 on
>>>>>> both tests, so the 2230 project returned quick, but a distance of 100 on a
>>>>>> 4326 projection is very large so it was returning my whole table. When I
>>>>>> changed the distance to something small (0.0009) my query is now fast. ;-)
>>>>>> My next challenge will be figuring out the best way to convert
>>>>>> between degrees & meters. I understand the geography type is better for
>>>>>> queries like this, but I'm already using the geometry type for other
>>>>>> queries. Is it common to have both geometry and geography for a record in a
>>>>>> table? I know I can cast using ::geography but the queries are dramatically
>>>>>> slower.
>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 1:11 AM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>>> If I take into account your last mail,
>>>>>>> you probably have forget to transform your data.
>>>>>>> If you have a table in srid 4326
>>>>>>> , you can't use a transform in your querry if you want it to uses
>>>>>>> indexes.
>>>>>>> OR you have to buil and index like this :
>>>>>>> CREATE INDEX ON sdgis.parcels4326 USING GIST (ST_Transform(geom,
>>>>>>> 4326));
>>>>>>> So can you confirm thatl your geom have the correct srid in the
>>>>>>> correct table?
>>>>>>> FROM sdgis.parcels ;
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> FROM sdgis.parcels4326 ;
>>>>>>> You uses pgadmin , so instead of running your querry
>>>>>>> , run it with "explain analyse" (Select the text of your querry,
>>>>>>> then press shift+F7).
>>>>>>> You should see a graphic explaining what it happening. You should
>>>>>>> look for sequential scans.
>>>>>>> You can also try the same querry without CTE :
>>>>>>> SELECT p.*
>>>>>>> FROM (
>>>>>>>  SELECT geom
>>>>>>>  FROM sdgis.parcels4326 AS parcels
>>>>>>>  WHERE apn = '3500600300
>>>>>>> ) AS mip
>>>>>>> INNER JOIN sdgis.parcels4326 AS p ON
>>>>>>> (ST_DWITHIN(mip.geom,p.geom,100)=TRUE);
>>>>>>> Of course vacuum analyze both table before running the querry.
>>>>>>> It would be difficult to help you more without detailed information
>>>>>>> (tables declarations, querry used, result of explain analyse), because
>>>>>>> slowness can come from several reasons .
>>>>>>> Here is a link of requirements for people having slow querry on
>>>>>>> postgres mailing list (
>>>>>>> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Slow_Query_Questions).
>>>>>>> I'm not guru so I couldn't use all this informations but that give
>>>>>>> you an idea of how many reasons of slow query they can be
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> I tried the query that Remi suggested (thank you!) and it works and
>>>>>>> doesn't work. I have the exact same table in two different projections
>>>>>>> (2230, 4326). When I run the ST_Dwithin query against the 2230 table, I get
>>>>>>> results in under 100 ms. When I run the same query against the 4326
>>>>>>> projection it still takes around 270 seconds! I have confirmed that I have
>>>>>>> the gist index on the 4326 table. Any ideas why the 4326 projection would
>>>>>>> be dramatically slower?
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> 2014-07-09 18:38 GMT+02:00 Alexander W. Rolek <a.rolek at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Remi -
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the quick response. Sorry to respond to you directly,
>>>>>>>> but my message settings are set on digest so I can't respond to the thread
>>>>>>>> yet.
>>>>>>>> I went through your steps, and have built out my query, but it's
>>>>>>>> still taking around 270 seconds to run the query, and it's returning ever
>>>>>>>> record in my table. Here's my query:
>>>>>>>> WITH my_input_polygon AS (
>>>>>>>> SELECT geom
>>>>>>>> FROM sdgis.parcels4326 AS parcels
>>>>>>>>  WHERE apn = '3500600300'
>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>> SELECT p.*
>>>>>>>> FROM my_input_polygon AS mip
>>>>>>>> INNER JOIN sdgis.parcels4326 AS p ON
>>>>>>>> (ST_DWITHIN(mip.geom,p.geom,100)=TRUE);
>>>>>>>> I also have indexes on the apn and the geom columns (see attached
>>>>>>>> screen shots)
>>>>>>>> Any ideas what I'm missing here?
>>>>>>>> Thanks again for the help
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Alexander W. Rolek
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Alexander W. Rolek
>>>>>> 303-829-9989
>>>> --
>>>> Alexander W. Rolek
>>>> 303-829-9989
> --
> Alexander W. Rolek
> 303-829-9989
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