[postgis-users] ST_WITHIN not behaving as expected

Larry Morroni larry at morroni.com
Fri Jun 27 20:42:05 PDT 2014

I am running PostgeSQL 9.3.4 with PostGIS 2.1.2.  I am trying to 
understand why ST_WITHIN is returning false with the following query:
ST_GeomFromText('POINT (-82.53946 28.00927)',4326),
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-90.0922483515624890 26.6419340127470115, 
-81.5778440546874890 28.7911293883253734, -90.0922483515624890 
28.7911293883253734, -81.5778440546874890 26.6419340127470115, 
-90.0922483515624890 26.6419340127470115))',4326)

If I place these shapes on a map then you can see that the point (blue) 
is clearly within this polygon bounds (attached). -> 
I probably don't understand ST_WITHIN properly.  Can someone shed some 
light for me?  What am I doing wrong?


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