[postgis-users] problem with st_makevalid and (LineString)
islanis at infomed.sld.cu
islanis at infomed.sld.cu
Mon May 19 04:36:45 PDT 2014
I did this
UPDATE ft_potencial SET the_geom=cleanGeometry(the_geom);
and then
DELETE ft_potencial as p where ST_IsEmpty(p.the_geom);
and to check again did this
UPDATE ft_potencial SET the_geom=ST_MakeValid(the_geom);
and gave no error this time.
it reuturns this
"La consulta retornó con éxito: 370296 filas efectadas, 920469 ms de
tiempo de ejecución."
A question.
Is right how did i check it. or there is another better solution to
check a layer?
thanks for all
"Rémi Cura" <remi.cura at gmail.com> escribió:
> Hey,
> I gave you the 2 queries that eitehr inspect your data or insert only
> polygon into your column.
> As said previously, there is no "magic function".
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2014-05-17 19:01 GMT+02:00 Åsmund Tokheim <asmundto at gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> Use something like
>> SELECT st_astext(the_geom), st_astext(st_makevalid(the_geom))
>> FROM ft_potencial
>> WHERE st_geometrytype(st_makevalid(the_geom)) NOT ilike 'st_polygon'
>> to inspect the rows that caused the initial errors. You can also use the
>> WHERE-part in qgis, or in a DELETE statement to drop the rows (but please
>> try the select statement first).
>> Åsmund
>> On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 6:52 PM, <islanis at infomed.sld.cu> wrote:
>>> "Ivan Santiago" <isantiago at ogp.pr.gov> escribió:
>>> Hello there.
>>>> I know this forum is about postgis but sometimes you can use another
>>>> open source solutions.
>>>> You can use QGiS or even better GRASS to clean topological errors.
>>>> Sometimes graphic tools work better for this kind of problems...
>>> but the table ft_potencial is big, please how can i do it with qgis or
>>> grass, have you the steps without it render the entire layer, because i
>>> repeat , tha layer is big, i have qgis v1.8.0.
>>> thanks
>>>> Sent from my Windows Phone
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: islanis at infomed.sld.cu
>>>> Sent: 5/17/2014 12:12
>>>> To: postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] problem with st_makevalid and (LineString)
>>>> "Åsmund Tokheim" <asmundto at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>> Hi
>>>>> I don't think that you can expect the st_makevalid function to correct
>>>>> the
>>>>> underlying problem with your data. As Rèmi said, some geometries in your
>>>>> original table might have incorrectly been labeled as polygons when the
>>>>> coordinates suggests that they are linestrings. In my eyes, the most
>>>>> correct solution would be to remove the Polygon-constraint on the data.
>>>>> In
>>>>> some applications it might be better to use st_buffer to generate a
>>>>> small
>>>>> polygon around those linestrings, or even more simply discard those
>>>>> rows.
>>>>> You have to use your knowledge of the application and the source of the
>>>>> data to decide how these geometries should best be handled. Inspecting
>>>>> the
>>>>> geometries that are turned into linestrings might aid you in finding a
>>>>> good
>>>>> solution.
>>>>> As for the cleanGeometry function, I'm not familiar with it, but it
>>>>> seems
>>>>> to me like the aforementioned line-polygons would be turned into
>>>>> null-values by the st_buildarea function. So just like st_makevalid, it
>>>>> isn't a one-liner you can use to make all your problems go away.
>>>>> Åsmund
>>>> well, I need help because I'm not very good at this in the querys,
>>>> following the first advice I'd like eliminate tuples than are not
>>>> polygons and find and delete the tuples that have null-values, how can
>>>> i do that?
>>>> thanks
>>>>> On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 4:20 PM, <islanis at infomed.sld.cu> wrote:
>>>>> islanis at infomed.sld.cu escribió:
>>>>>> "Rémi Cura" <remi.cura at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>>> Hm,
>>>>>>>> you have a table with polygons.
>>>>>>>> Obviously some of the polygons are not valid.
>>>>>>>> So when you correct some of the polygon, they are transformed to
>>>>>>>> line (my
>>>>>>>> guess : some of the polygons are wihtout surface, for instance
>>>>>>>> POLYGON((0 0
>>>>>>>> , 1 1 , 0 0 )) ).
>>>>>>>> Now when trying to insert line into polygon column, postgres
>>>>>>>> complains.
>>>>>>>> You can do 2 things :
>>>>>>>> _solve the postgres error, this imply to be sure to update with
>>>>>>>> polygons
>>>>>>>> _solve the geometry problem, this imply to look a bit into your data
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> understand why you have invalid polygon in the first place ..;
>>>>>>>> The query I gave you is going to show the invalid polygon and why
>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> invalid (solving 2.).
>>>>>>>> If you just don't care, you can update only when the result is a
>>>>>>>> polygon.(this querry is suboptimal)
>>>>>>>> UPDATE ft_potencial SETthe_geom=ST_MakeValid(the_geom)
>>>>>>>> WHERE GeometryType(ST_MakeValid(the_geom) ) ILIKE '%POLYGON%';
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Remi-C
>>>>>>>> What you're doing is ignoring the lines.
>>>>>> But that does not bring problems in the future?
>>>>>> I found this function, but do not know if it is recommended use it to
>>>>>> correct the problems of geometry. I mean cleangeometry
>>>>>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cleanGeometry(geom geometry)
>>>>>> RETURNS geometry AS
>>>>>> inGeom ALIAS for $1;
>>>>>> outGeom geometry;
>>>>>> tmpLinestring geometry;
>>>>>> Begin
>>>>>> outGeom := NULL;
>>>>>> -- Clean Process for Polygon
>>>>>> IF (GeometryType(inGeom) = 'POLYGON' OR GeometryType(inGeom) =
>>>>>> -- Only process if geometry is not valid,
>>>>>> -- otherwise put out without change
>>>>>> if not st_isValid(inGeom) THEN
>>>>>> -- create nodes at all self-intersecting lines by union the polygon
>>>>>> boundaries
>>>>>> -- with the startingpoint of the boundary.
>>>>>> tmpLinestring := st_union(st_multi(st_boundary(
>>>>>> inGeom)),st_pointn(st_boundary(inGeom),1));
>>>>>> outGeom = st_buildarea(tmpLinestring);
>>>>>> IF (GeometryType(inGeom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON') THEN
>>>>>> RETURN st_multi(outGeom);
>>>>>> ELSE
>>>>>> RETURN outGeom;
>>>>>> END IF;
>>>>>> else
>>>>>> RETURN inGeom;
>>>>>> END IF;
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>> -- Clean Process for LINESTRINGS, self-intersecting parts of
>>>>>> linestrings
>>>>>> -- will be divided into multiparts of the mentioned linestring
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>> ELSIF (GeometryType(inGeom) = 'LINESTRING') THEN
>>>>>> -- create nodes at all self-intersecting lines by union the linestrings
>>>>>> -- with the startingpoint of the linestring.
>>>>>> outGeom := st_union(st_multi(inGeom),st_pointn(inGeom,1));
>>>>>> RETURN outGeom;
>>>>>> ELSIF (GeometryType(inGeom) = 'MULTILINESTRING') THEN
>>>>>> outGeom := multi(st_union(st_multi(inGeom),st_pointn(inGeom,1)));
>>>>>> RETURN outGeom;
>>>>>> ELSE
>>>>>> RAISE NOTICE 'The input type % is not supported',GeometryType(
>>>>>> inGeom);
>>>>>> RETURN inGeom;
>>>>>> END IF;
>>>>>> End;$BODY$
>>>>>> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;
>>>>>>>> 2014-05-16 23:58 GMT+02:00 <islanis at infomed.sld.cu>:
>>>>>>>> "Rémi Cura" <remi.cura at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Remi i dont understand what do you mean here,
>>>>>>>>> You can try to analyze a bit to understand better
>>>>>>>>> (for the following I consider your table doesn't contains too much
>>>>>>>>>> data)
>>>>>>>>>> with the_data AS (
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT the_geom, ST_ISValid(the_geom) AS is_valid,
>>>>>>>>>> ST_IsValidReason(the_geom)
>>>>>>>>>> FROM ft_potencial
>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT *, ST_AsText(ST_MakeValid(the_geom)) AS corrected_geom,
>>>>>>>>>> ST_AsText(the_geom) AS original_geometry, detail.*
>>>>>>>>>> FROM the_data, *ST_IsValidDetail*(the_geom) AS detail
>>>>>>>>>> WHERE is_valid = false
>>>>>>>>>> AND GeometryType(the_geom) ILIKE '%POLYGON%'
>>>>>>>>>> My guess : you have an invalid no-area polygon, so the makevalid
>>>>>>>>>> function
>>>>>>>>>> transform it into a line
>>>>>>>>>> ok, but like i say above, i dont understan, please be more
>>>>>>>>> specific,
>>>>>>>>> please, but thanks
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>>>>>>> 2014-05-16 18:14 GMT+02:00 <islanis at infomed.sld.cu>:
>>>>>>>>>> "Ivan Santiago" <isantiago at ogp.pr.gov> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>> Run
>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT PostGIS_full_version();
>>>>>>>>>>>> TO know if your installation has GEOS 3.3.0 or above.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I get this
>>>>>>>>>>> "POSTGIS="2.0.0 r9605" GEOS="3.3.3-CAPI-1.7.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6
>>>>>>>>>>> March
>>>>>>>>>>> 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.9.0, released 2011/12/29" LIBXML="2.7.8"
>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Iván Santiago
>>>>>>>>>>>> GIS Specialist
>>>>>>>>>>>> Information Technologies
>>>>>>>>>>>> Office of Management and Budget
>>>>>>>>>>>> 787.725.9420 x 2378
>>>>>>>>>>>> Calle Cruz 254
>>>>>>>>>>>> PO Box 9023228
>>>>>>>>>>>> San Juan, PR 00902-3228
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://gis.pr.gov
>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>>>>> islanis at infomed.sld.cu
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 11:24 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [postgis-users] problem with st_makevalid and
>>>>>>>>>>>> (LineString)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello people, i got a problem where i have no idea what can i do.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have this table
>>>>>>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE ft_potencial
>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>> id_dw_ft_potencial integer NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> id_dw_tipo integer NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> id_dw_mes integer NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> id_dw_municipio integer NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> id_dw_date integer NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> potencial real NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> area real NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> the_geom geometry(Polygon,4326),
>>>>>>>>>>>> CONSTRAINT ft_potencial_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_dw_ft_potencial,
>>>>>>>>>>>> id_dw_tipo, id_dw_mes, id_dw_municipio, id_dw_date)
>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>> WITH (
>>>>>>>>>>>> OIDS=FALSE
>>>>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>>>>> and i want to clean the errors that it has using the function
>>>>>>>>>>>> ST_MakeValid in this way
>>>>>>>>>>>> update ft_potencial set the_geom=ST_MakeValid(the_geom);
>>>>>>>>>>>> but it always return this error
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Geometry type (LineString) does not match column type
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Polygon)
>>>>>>>>>>>> ********** Error **********
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Geometry type (LineString) does not match column type
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Polygon)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Estado SQL:22023
>>>>>>>>>>>> what can i do to fix or clean the geometry without problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>> please help.
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
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