[postgis-users] A little tired of non-noded intersections between polygons -- node them all

John Abraham jea at hbaspecto.com
Fri Oct 3 15:02:56 PDT 2014

Wow Martijn.

Thank you SO much.  It seems to have worked.  This will get a lot of use, I think.  You really should get it into PostGIS as a function, for better visibility and for the benefit of the world.  

I can’t wait to try it on one of my larger problems (e.g. a cadastral data set with about 2 million parcels).

For everyone else, here’s the paper: http://www.gdmc.nl/ken/files/12_pfg.pdf

John Abraham
jea at hbaspecto.com

On Oct 3, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Martijn Meijers <b.m.meijers at tudelft.nl> wrote:

> Hi John,
> We know the pain you describe.
> For this we've developed at our research group:
> * https://github.com/tudelft-gist/pprepair
> Documentation here:
> * http://tudelft-gist.github.io/pprepair/
> Not integrated with PostGIS at the moment and only reading shapefiles, but it should clean exactly the type of data that you describe into properly noded polygons (with gaps and overlaps removed/filled).
> Martijn
> -- 
> Martijn Meijers
> mailto:b.m.meijers at tudelft.nl
> http://www.gdmc.nl/martijn
> GIS-technology
> Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
> Delft University of Technology
> P.O. Box 5030 | Julianalaan 134 (building 8), room 01.oost.330
> 2600 GA Delft | 2628 BL Delft
> The Netherlands
> tel (+31) 15 2785642

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