[postgis-users] raster2pgsql: -t TILE_SIZE

Pierre Racine Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Mon Mar 16 10:30:50 PDT 2015

> If you're storing the raster in the database, I have no specific suggestions.
> The reason for no suggestion is that it really depends on the characteristics
> of the raster (number of bands, pixel type of each band) and the server
> environment.

You normally want to store in-db because you want to do some kind of analysis. In that case, the optimal tile size is dependent on the kind of analyses you want to do. You tend to want to minimize the number of tiles loaded per analysis (bigger tiles) and at the same time minimize loading areas not involved in the analysis (smaller tiles). For example if you want to get an aggregated raster value per some kind of polygons, the process will be faster if the tiles size is about the mean size of your polygons.


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