[postgis-users] prj2esri.org

Andy Colson andy at squeakycode.net
Tue Jan 12 07:02:32 PST 2016

On 1/12/2016 3:17 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:52 AM, Clifford Snow <clifford at snowandsnow.us
> <mailto:clifford at snowandsnow.us>> wrote:
>     I'm looking for code to suggest to QGIS developers to use. Right now
>     QGIS doesn't recognize Washington State Plane North/South. And
>     besides, I'm curious how it's accomplished. Doing it by hand
>     resulted in me picking the wrong match!
> I wrote the first version of site several years ago, it's a simple
> application of the GeoTools referencing subsystem, backed by the EPSG
> database.
> Not sure how it works today, but I can tell you how it used to work back
> then.
> When you paste a PRJ, first it parses it and tries to perform a match
> against the official EPSG database, by first making an indexed
> search by projection name and a few other params, falling on a brute
> force scan and compare if the first does not match.
> If not even that works, then it has a secondary Lucene index with all
> projections WKTs stored inside, and it will do a
> text based search against it, hoping to find something similar (aka
> "shot in the dark").
> Hope this helps
> Cheers
> Andrea


converts from proj4, perhaps the code could be somehow reversed?


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