[postgis-users] Attempting to Connect to POSTGIS Database Table from BIRT To Create a report from an POSTGIS attribute table - connection throws error (with only spatial enabled tables)

Phillip Ross phillip.w.g.ross+postgis-users at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 20:22:21 PST 2019

Hi Michael,

I'm not familiar with BIRT, but the error you pasted hints that it may
be tripping up on the fact that it thinks a table doesn't exist:
ERROR: relation "public.tollbrotherspacifichighranchparcels" does not exist.

The postgis-java jdbc extensions are only necessary for applications
which want to use explicitly use java-based geometry types which
general applications such as BIRT generally do not do.  I would
imagine BIRT would have explicit instructions on adding geometry based
libraries if it did indeed have special support or handling for this
type of data.  But really, I don't know.

To answer your question, you can download the latest version of
postgis-java jdbc extensions from the github releases page
(https://github.com/postgis/postgis-java/releases).  Please not that
the version of the jdbc extensions does not necessarily match the
PostGIS version  that you might be using.  The latest version of the
JDBC extensions is compatible with all supported PostGIS versions.

I'm not sure how you would install the jdbc extensions for BIRT.  With
BIRT, do you have to obtain and install the postgres jdbc driver
separately or is it bundled with BIRT?  Normally you would add
postgresql jdbc driver jar to the classpath somehow.  The PostGIS jdbc
extensions work the same way.  When included in the classpath, the
extensions are autoregistered with the jdbc driver, but I'm not sure
how BIRT would actually use the extensions once they are registered.

Hope that helps!
- Phillip

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 2:24 AM <mfene5101 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is my first use of the postgis-users list
> I am currently using BIRT reporting tool to connect to Postgresql 9.6.  To reporting tool works fine on NON-POSTGIS enabled tables.
> I enabled full tracing on the database to capture the database log as well as the error thrown by BIRT.
> BIRT uses the postgresjdbc driver to connect to Postgresql.  I suspect the issue is at the jdbc driver level but I am unsure.
> I have read some google entries regarding the installation of the postgisjdbc driver…but it is unclear which version I should use – or how to install it.
> My current environment is:  postgresql9.6 postgis2.3 centos7
> Extract of the postgresql (server side) trace log: (note: I renamed table name to ‘XXX’ to maintain security):
> 2019-02-08 21:49:31.951 PST,"fenem","dbplmspatial",21824,"",5c5e69eb.5540,6,"PARSE",2019-02-08 21:49:31 PST,7/25,0,ERROR,42P01,"relation ""public.XXX"" does not exist",,,,,,"select * from public.XXX",15,,"PostgreSQL JDBC Driver"
> Client side error:
> A BIRT exception occurred.
>   Plug-in Provider:Eclipse BIRT Project
>   Plug-in Name:BIRT Data Engine
>   Plug-in ID:org.eclipse.birt.data
>   Version:4.7.0.v201706222054
>   Error Code:odaconsumer.CannotGetResultSetMetaData
>   Error Message:Cannot get the result set metadata.
>     org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc.JDBCException: SQL statement does not return a ResultSet object.
> SQL error #1:ERROR: relation "public.tollbrotherspacifichighranchparcels" does not exist
>   Position: 15
> ;
>     org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "public.XXX" does not exist
>   Position: 15
> Thanks in advance for your consideration.
> Michael Fene’
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