[postgis-users] Assertion with RASTER when Postgis is just loaded

Ольга Ольга rikottta at mail.ru
Tue Jul 16 03:45:37 PDT 2019

Good day,

When I am trying to run SQLSmith on a schema with loaded POSTGIS extension
(even when no tables are using POSTGIS types!), I am continuously getting:

SELECT: rt_raster.c:1443: rt_raster_from_band: Assertion `NULL != raster'
FATAL: the database system is in recovery mode

It's PSQL 11 and POSTGIS 2.5.

Is there any workaround ?

select sample_0.classoid as c0, case when public.st_mapalgebra( cast(
public.st_union( cast(cast(null as raster) as raster), cast((select
avg_width from pg_catalog.pg_stats limit 1 offset 4) as int4)) over
(partition by sample_0.objoid order by
sample_0.description,sample_0.description) as raster),
cast(pg_catalog.hashinet( cast(cast(null as inet) as inet)) as int4),
cast(cast(null as raster) as raster), cast(case when (select col7 from
public.child_psql_table_without_overlap limit 1 offset 1) >^ cast(null as
point) then (select pg_catalog.bit_or(coord_dimension) from
public.geography_columns) else (select pg_catalog.bit_or(coord_dimension)
from public.geography_columns) end as int4), cast((select agginitval from
pg_catalog.pg_aggregate limit 1 offset 5) as text), cast(case when
cast(null as tinterval) >= cast(null as tinterval) then
sample_0.description else sample_0.description end as text),
cast(pg_catalog.timeofday() as text),
cast(cast(coalesce(sample_0.description, sample_0.description) as text) as
text), cast(sample_0.description as text), cast(cast(coalesce((select col4
from public.child_psql_table_without_overlap limit 1 offset 6) , (select
pg_catalog.stddev(total_time) from pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_user_functions)
) as float8) as float8)) @ cast(nullif( public.st_union( cast(cast(null as
raster) as raster), cast(96 as int4), cast(sample_0.description as text))
over (partition by sample_0.objsubid order by sample_0.classoid), case when
cast(null as float4) <> (select enumsortorder from pg_catalog.pg_enum limit
1 offset 6) then cast(coalesce(cast(null as raster), cast(null as raster))
as raster) else cast(coalesce(cast(null as raster), cast(null as raster))
as raster) end ) as raster) then sample_0.classoid else sample_0.classoid
end as c1, case when EXISTS ( select ref_0.autoanalyze_count as c0,
sample_0.objoid as c1, 41 as c2, public.st_union( cast(cast(null as raster)
as raster), cast(sample_0.objsubid as int4)) over (partition by
sample_0.objoid,ref_0.n_tup_hot_upd order by ref_0.vacuum_count) as c3,
(select data_type from information_schema.user_defined_types limit 1 offset
1) as c4 from pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables as ref_0 where cast(null as
raster) <<| public.st_mapalgebraexpr( cast(cast(null as raster) as raster),
cast(sample_0.description as text), cast(sample_0.description as text),
cast((select col16 from public.child_twice_inherits_inherited limit 1
offset 84) as float8)) limit 87) then sample_0.objoid else sample_0.objoid
end as c2, cast(nullif(sample_0.objoid, (select pg_catalog.min(partrelid)
from pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table) ) as oid) as c3, sample_0.classoid as
c4, sample_0.description as c5, sample_0.objoid as c6, sample_0.objsubid as
c7, pg_catalog.current_user() as c8, sample_0.objoid as c9 from
pg_catalog.pg_description as sample_0 tablesample system (3.6) where
pg_catalog.btfloat4cmp( cast(case when ((select col13 from
public.child_inherits_inherited_psql limit 1 offset 1) <@ cast(null as
line)) or ((sample_0.objoid is NULL) and (cast(null as pg_lsn) <> cast(null
as pg_lsn))) then case when public.seg_upper( cast(cast(null as seg) as
seg)) < (select pg_catalog.sum(col3) from public.table) then (select
pg_catalog.min(null_frac) from pg_catalog.pg_stats) else (select
pg_catalog.min(null_frac) from pg_catalog.pg_stats) end else case when
public.seg_upper( cast(cast(null as seg) as seg)) < (select
pg_catalog.sum(col3) from public.table) then (select
pg_catalog.min(null_frac) from pg_catalog.pg_stats) else (select
pg_catalog.min(null_frac) from pg_catalog.pg_stats) end end as float4),
cast(case when ((((cast(null as reltime) = cast(null as reltime)) or
(false)) or ((select col8 from public.child_inherits_noninherited_psql
limit 1 offset 2) >= (select col1 from
public.pg_fdw_without_definition_psql limit 1 offset 2) )) and (cast(null
as geometry) &&& cast(null as gidx))) and ((cast(null as isbn) >= (select
col7 from public.table_with_psql_array_custom_type limit 1 offset 17) ) and
(cast(null as inet) <= (select pg_catalog.min(col16) from
public.child_inherits_inherited_psql) )) then cast(coalesce((select col0
from public.psql_table_for_type limit 1 offset 1) , cast(null as float4))
as float4) else cast(coalesce((select col0 from public.psql_table_for_type
limit 1 offset 1) , cast(null as float4)) as float4) end as float4)) is
NULL limit 44;

delete from information_schema.sql_implementation_info where
cast(nullif(cast(nullif(case when cast(null as circle) &<| (select col7
from public.child_twice_inherits_inherited_psql limit 1 offset 6) then
cast(null as raster) else cast(null as raster) end , cast(nullif(cast(null
as raster), cast(null as raster)) as raster)) as raster), cast(nullif(case
when (select col1 from public.fdw_table_with_custom_type_psql limit 1
offset 6) ~<=~ (select col2 from public.table_for_psql_inheritance limit 1
offset 5) then case when
information_schema.sql_implementation_info.implementation_info_name is not
NULL then cast(null as raster) else cast(null as raster) end else case when
information_schema.sql_implementation_info.implementation_info_name is not
NULL then cast(null as raster) else cast(null as raster) end end , case
when information_schema.sql_implementation_info.integer_value is NULL then
cast(null as raster) else cast(null as raster) end ) as raster)) as raster)
&<| public.st_addband( cast(public.st_addband( cast(cast(null as raster) as
raster), cast(case when cast(null as date) < cast(null as date) then
cast(coalesce(cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster), cast(null as _raster)) as
_raster), cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster), cast(null as _raster)) as
_raster)) as _raster) else cast(coalesce(cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster),
cast(null as _raster)) as _raster), cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster),
cast(null as _raster)) as _raster)) as _raster) end as _raster), cast(case
when (select public.st_makeline(extent) from public.raster_columns) @
cast(null as raster) then cast(coalesce(cast(nullif((select inhseqno from
pg_catalog.pg_inherits limit 1 offset 2) , 8) as int4), case when (select
col8 from public.table_with_custom_type limit 1 offset 5) ~ (select col8
from public.table_with_custom_type limit 1 offset 4) then 93 else 93 end )
as int4) else cast(coalesce(cast(nullif((select inhseqno from
pg_catalog.pg_inherits limit 1 offset 2) , 8) as int4), case when (select
col8 from public.table_with_custom_type limit 1 offset 5) ~ (select col8
from public.table_with_custom_type limit 1 offset 4) then 93 else 93 end )
as int4) end as int4), cast((select srid from public.spatial_ref_sys limit
1 offset 72) as int4)) as raster), cast(case when ((select col5 from
public.table_with_fdw_custom_type limit 1 offset 2) ^@ cast(null as
ltxtquery)) or (cast(null as name) !~~ (select prosrc from
pg_catalog.pg_proc limit 1 offset 5) ) then case when true then
cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster), cast(null as _raster)) as _raster) else
cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster), cast(null as _raster)) as _raster) end
else case when true then cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster), cast(null as
_raster)) as _raster) else cast(nullif(cast(null as _raster), cast(null as
_raster)) as _raster) end end as _raster), cast(case when
cast(nullif(cast(null as tid), case when (EXISTS ( select
information_schema.sql_implementation_info.comments as c0, ref_0.classoid
as c1, ref_0.objoid as c2, (select parameter_types from
pg_catalog.pg_prepared_statements limit 1 offset 4) as c3 from
pg_catalog.pg_shdescription as ref_0 where true limit 100)) or (cast(null
as raster) @ cast(null as raster)) then cast(null as tid) else cast(null as
tid) end ) as tid) > cast(null as tid) then case when (select col13 from
public.child_inherits_inherited_psql limit 1 offset 6) ?#
cast(nullif(cast(null as box), cast(null as box)) as box) then 60 else 60
end else case when (select col13 from public.child_inherits_inherited_psql
limit 1 offset 6) ?# cast(nullif(cast(null as box), cast(null as box)) as
box) then 60 else 60 end end as int4), cast(pg_catalog.inet_server_port()
as int4)) returning information_schema.sql_implementation_info.comments as
c0, information_schema.sql_implementation_info.comments as c1,
information_schema.sql_implementation_info.integer_value as c2,
public._postgis_pgsql_version() as c3,
information_schema.sql_implementation_info.implementation_info_id as c4,
public.isn_weak() as c5;

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