[postgis-users] Can't install PostGIS into PostgreSQL 13

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Wed Oct 14 05:33:20 PDT 2020

Hey all sorry I’m still in the middle of my packaging, a bit behind schedule.  I hope to be done this weekend – taking a bit extra time since I’m building with newer GDAL and Proj.  

If you are in a rush, the binaries for PG13 are here




1)      PostGIS: https://winnie.postgis.net/download/windows/pg13/buildbot/postgis-pg13-binaries-3.0.2w64gcc81.zip  (make sure not to overwrite any files you already have installed, but you can copy in same named folders of your install)

2)      Ogr_fdw - https://winnie.postgis.net/download/windows/pg13/buildbot/extras/ogrfdw-pg13-binaries-masterw64gcc81.zip

3)      pgRouting 3.1.0 will be there shortly - 


I haven’t had a chance to stress test – so if you are up for it and find issues before my packaging is complete, that would be great.





From: postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Calle Hedberg
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 7:18 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Can't install PostGIS into PostgreSQL 13




Just like Chia-Yun, I've found that

- the stack builder with pg 13 does not include postgis

- the osgeo http://download.osgeo.org/postgis/windows/ site does not have a pg 13 version


So the question is, for those of us who MUST have postgis with pg: do we have to wait for a new pg13-compatible postgis build for Windows, or can we use the one released for pg 12, somehow? Since Chia-Yun indicates there's a problem with that when installed as is - are there any workarounds that will make it work?






On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 at 11:50, 張家芸 <grace3045 at gmail.com <mailto:grace3045 at gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Marco,


Thank you for your reply. I sent EDB an email 2 days ago but no response, so I was trying to find other ways to fix my problem.

I tried to install PostGIS inside PostgreSQL by CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

But the error message shows that I don't have postgis.control file. 


I also saw an old solution for Ubuntu is to run the command:


 $ sudo apt-get install postgis postgresql-9.5-postgis-scripts


But I am using Windows, not sure how to transform the command.





On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 11:06 AM Marco Boeringa <marco at boeringa.demon.nl <mailto:marco at boeringa.demon.nl> > wrote:

Hi Chia-Yun,

I hadn't heard of Stack Builder yet, but I see it is an utility of EnterpriseDB for Windows (https://www.enterprisedb.com/edb-docs/d/postgresql/installation-getting-started/installation-guide/13.0/using_stackbuilder.html), so I think you should ask them:


PostGIS certainly is supported with PostgreSQL 13. I run it on Ubuntu 20.04, and the package manager there installs PostgreSQL 13 including PostGIS without issues.


Op 14-10-2020 om 10:49 schreef 張家芸:

I installed PostgreSQL 13, but can't find either spatial extension folder or PostGIS in the Stack Builder 4.2. Then I downloaded PostGIS bundle (postgis-bundle-pg12x64-setup-3.0.2-1.exe) but the installation procedure always interrupted by this message: 


PostGIS has to be installed to the PostgreSQL folder


No matter if I install at default destination or my PostgreSQL folder. 


Is this because PostGIS haven't fully upgraded to fit PostgreSQL 13? What should I do, install PostgreSQL 12 instead?


Thank you




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Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

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