[postgis-users] Enabling NetCDF export in PostGIS

Mario A. Tarouco De Sales mts at dhigroup.com
Tue Sep 15 02:18:50 PDT 2020


I need to export rasters in PostGIS to NetCDF format using ST_AsGDALRaster .

I searched a lot for this topic but not much information is available. And the available information is confusing...

In https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/NetCDF it's mentioned "GDAL 1.9 includes support for NetCDF-4 file format (provided that nc-config is found in the configure stage), as well as the 64-bit offset file format. HDF4 and HDF5 files are also supported, although the respective driver is used if available. The syntax "NETCDF:<file>" forces the use of the NetCDF driver."

GDAL version in my PostGIS is 2.2 so this should be possible,

I have installed netcdf and added it to the path but now I'm stuck. Where to place the nc-config file? What is the 64-bit offset file format?

Any help is highly appreciated

Best regards
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