[postgis-users] Creating a boundary of an aggregate of buildings

Tomas Straupis tomasstraupis at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 01:21:10 PST 2021

2021-01-18, pr, 09:26 Luca Bertoncello rašė:
> Now I have an "ID" to group the nearing buildings, but I always don't
> have an idea, how to create a boundary over this aggregates...

  In order to do aggregation/dissolving, you can try using st_buffer
on grouped (clustered) geometries.
  Something like this:

  st_buffer(st_buffer(your_clustered_aggregated_geometry, 1000), -1000)

  Depending on details you can add an option to use quad_segs=1 to
avoid having round corners when doing positive buffer.
  Something like this:

  st_buffer(st_buffer(you_clustered_aggregated_geometry, 1000,
'quad_segs=1'), -1000, 'quad_segs=1')


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