[postgis-users] PG Feat Serv and OGC API

Martin Davis mtnclimb at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 08:04:04 PDT 2022

The functions endpoint in pg_featureserv is non-standard, so it's not
surprising that client libraries don't support it.   So you will have to
manually build a URL for the request.

pg_featureserv now has CQL filtering:

This includes temporal filter support.  If you can build the latest code,
you might want to look at this as an alternative to functions.  It saves
writing and deploying functions, and it is much more flexible.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 5:49 AM Rory Meyer <rory.meyer at vliz.be> wrote:

> Afternoon all,
> I've got a PG Featureserv docker container running on a server and a
> couple of collections and functions published on it. The data that I'm
> querying is better suited for functions. It's mostly time series stuff and
> it's nice to give it a start/stop time and a couple other filter
> parameters.
> I'm looking at OWSlib to build a python client that consumes off the
> server but it doesn't seem like the "functions" are recognised in OGC; "
> myserver.org/collections/my_data" is easily called in OWSlib with:
> ```
> from owslib.ogcapi.features import Features
> api = Features('http://myserver.org/')
> ```
> but there doesn't seem to be a "myserver.org/functions/my_func"
> equivalent.
> Am I missing it? Is the best way to do function queries just to build up
> the URL in python and do a simple request?
> Regards,
> Rory
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