[postgis-users] No extension

Simon Greener simon at spdba.com.au
Tue Oct 4 13:57:03 PDT 2022

Search path is set. Because it is set in the database it is independent of the port, correct?

Because I need to move forward, I've gone back to using port 5433 and all is working.

Thanks to all for taking the time to help.


⁣39 Cliff View Drive
Allens Rivulet Tas 7150
(W) 0418 396 391​

On 5 Oct 2022, 06:09, at 06:09, Bo Victor Thomsen <bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com> wrote:
>What about search path for Postgres ? It could be different for each 
>client accessing Postgres.
>Den 03-10-2022 kl. 20:27 skrev Regina Obe:
>> That is weird.  I would have thought maybe a JDBC driver issue, but
>the error suggests it was able to connect and just not able to access
>that function.  Or that error is just bogus and it really can't
>> 1) Is it using the same account as other apps.  Could be a permission
>> 2) Can you do a quick non-postgis test like?
>> SELECT version();
>> 3) I know there were big changes between PG 11 / PG 12 that
>necessitated upgrades of drivers, but didn't think much difference
>between PG13 and PG14. If option 1 and 2 were not useful, I'd suggest
>just upgrading to the latest JDBC driver from
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]
>On Behalf
>>> Of Simon Greener
>>> Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 4:56 AM
>>> To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] No extension
>>> Yes, it is uninstalled.
>>> ?39 Cliff View Drive
>>> Allens Rivulet Tas 7150
>>> (W) 0418 396 391?
>>> On 30 Sep 2022, 18:24, at 18:24, Alexandre Neto
><senhor.neto at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Did you uninstall PostgreSQL 13?
>>>> A sexta, 30/09/2022, 04:08, Simon SPDBA Greener
><simon at spdba.com.au>
>>>> escreveu:
>>>>> I decided to switch the port back to 5432 following your recipe
>>>> (because
>>>>> I have many apps that access postgresql).
>>>>> I can connect using qGIS/pgAdmin 4 etc but when I try to connect
>>>> using
>>>>> GeoServer I get this:
>>>>> ...
>>>>>      at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831)
>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to obtain
>>>>> ERROR: function postgis_lib_version() does not exist
>>>>>     Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types.
>>>>> might need to add explicit type casts.
>>>>>     Position: 8
>>>>>       at
>>>> 2)
>>>>> Running the function in pgAdmin 4 returns:
>>>>> select postgis_lib_version();
>>>>> "postgis_lib_version"
>>>>> "3.2.3"
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>> All other apps work correctly, only GeoServer is returning this
>>>> error.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Simon
>>>>> On 30/09/2022 11:39 am, Simon SPDBA Greener wrote:
>>>>>> The old postgresql 13 was running on 5432.
>>>>>> I thought I had shut it down before running the 14 installer.
>>>>>> No matter, your suggestion about 5433 was the key I needed to
>>>> the
>>>>>> door.
>>>>>> Thanks for all your patience and help: greatly appreciated.
>>>>>> regards
>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>> On 30/09/2022 10:31 am, Regina Obe wrote:
>>>>>>> When you use the PostgreSQL installer on windows, If you have a
>>>>>>> PostgreSQL instance running already on Port 5432, it defaults
>>>>>>> port to the next available increment port.
>>>>>>> So my guess is you had your bitnami running on Port 5432, it
>>>> detected
>>>>>>> that,
>>>>>>> so then installed on Port 5433.
>>>>>>> So your old would have 5432, your new PostgreSQL 14 would be
>>>>>>> That's why I mentioned, if you wanted it to run on default
>>>> PostgreSQL
>>>>>>> 5432,
>>>>>>> you can do the
>>>>>>> Run the sql:
>>>>>>> ALTER SYSTEM Set port = '5432';
>>>>>>> Then restart the service.
>>>>>>> And that registry change I mentioned.
>>>>>>> Open regedit.exe
>>>>>>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Services\postgresql-
>>> x64-14\
>>>>>>> Key: Port
>>>>>>> The registry change you do so if you install other extensions
>>>> as
>>>>>>> postgis or pgAgent that need to connect to the database, they
>>>>>>> the port number from the registry and default to that. I think
>>>>>>> pgAdmin4
>>>> also
>>>>>>> when you
>>>>>>> first setup reads port from registry.
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: postgis-users
>>>> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On
>>>>>>> Behalf
>>>>>>>> Of Simon SPDBA Greener
>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 7:50 PM
>>>>>>>> To: postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] No extension
>>>>>>>> Hold that thought.
>>>>>>>> Port 5432 didn't work on DFDB as I thought it did.
>>>>>>>> Port 5433 works.
>>>>>>>> Has the default port changed with database installs?
>>>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Simon Greener
>>>>>>>>> 39 Cliff View Drive, Allens Rivulet, 7150, Tasmania, Australia
>>>>>>>>> (m) +61 418 396 391
>>>>>>>>> (w)www.spdba.com.au
>>>>>>>>> (m)simon at spdba.com.au
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Simon Greener
>>>>>>>> 39 Cliff View Drive, Allens Rivulet, 7150, Tasmania, Australia
>>>>>>>> (m) +61 418 396 391
>>>>>>>> (w) www.spdba.com.au
>>>>>>>> (m) simon at spdba.com.au
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Simon Greener
>>>>> 39 Cliff View Drive, Allens Rivulet, 7150, Tasmania, Australia
>>>>> (m) +61 418 396 391
>>>>> (w) www.spdba.com.au
>>>>> (m) simon at spdba.com.au
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>>>> -
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>Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
>Bo Victor Thomsen
>postgis-users mailing list
>postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org

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