[postgis-users] Postgresql/Postgis: Trigger for historization/versioning

Robert Coup robert.coup at koordinates.com
Sun Sep 18 13:42:24 PDT 2022


On Sun, 18 Sept 2022 at 20:25, celati Laurent <laurent.celati at gmail.com> wrote:
> My need is to set up within my Postgis database (used for maps production), triggers for automation of data historization/versioning.
> Could someone guide me, direct me to the methods offered by PostgreSQL/Postgis (or even Qgis) likely to satisfy my needs?

Kart (https://kartproject.org) is an open source geospatial data
versioning tool similar to Git. One feature is a PostGIS working copy,
which lets you commit/restore changes made to Postgres tables. It may
be worth evaluating for your project. If you have questions please
start a discussion at https://github.com/koordinates/kart/discussions

Rob :)

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