Importing tiles with raster2pgsql

Regina Obe lr at
Thu Dec 12 06:26:44 PST 2024



Yes I would expect them to give the same result.


What version of raster2pgsql are you running?  It should tell you if you run raster2pgsql without any args.


Also what platform are you on?  Any chance you have some of those tiles available so we can check it out?


From: Andreas B <panden at> 
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 6:17 AM
To: postgis-users at
Subject: Importing tiles with raster2pgsql


Hi all,

I have a dataset with several hundred tiles (GeoTIFFs) that make up a digital terrain model.
Each tile is 0.5d x 0.5d.

I tried to load these GeoTIFFs to PostGIS with:

$ raster2pgsql -s 32631 -I -M -F -C -t auto -d -l 2,4,8,16,32 tif/*.tif (1)

The data was loaded, but when viewing in QGIS, it looked like jagged lines with areas of white overlain by pieces of neighboring tiles, etc.
This didn't look right.
I also noticed that for each tif, the constraints were printed.
I expected this to be done once, after the last tile was loaded.

I then created a virtual raster with gdalbuildvrt:

$ gdalbuildvrt merge.vrt tif/*.tif (2)

And then used raster2pgsql to load in the vrt:

$ raster2pgsql -s 32631 -I -M -F -C -t auto -d -l 2,4,8,16,32 merge.vrt | psql (3)

The data was loaded, and looked good in QGIS.

Shouldn't commands (1) and (3) give the same results, or am I misunderstanding?

Best, Andreas

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