ST_Union behaviour

Regina Obe lr at
Mon Dec 23 01:46:16 PST 2024

Are you unioning one geometry or many?


The only reason I can think of why ST_Union would return unchanged overlapping polygons is if you fed it a geometry collection or invalid multipolygon with overlapping polygons.


In these cases you should be using ST_UnaryUnion




From: Antonio Valanzano <anvalanz at> 
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2024 3:47 AM
To: postgis-users at
Subject: ST_Union behaviour


Does someone know why ST_Union behaves differently with linestrings and polygons?


If a table contains linestrings that overlap at some points then ST_Union creates a collection of linestrings  that are splitted at intersections.


If a table contains polygons with overlaps then ST_Union creates a collection of polygons that are still overlapped and are not splitted (the result contains only the original polygons).


Thanks in advance.





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