Failure during Postgres major version upgrade due to deprecated long_xact funcs

Regina Obe lr at
Tue Oct 8 12:14:09 PDT 2024

Thanks for the alert.  I suspect we forgot to add that function to postgis_legacy, so that needs to be done.  We’ll do that in next 3.4. patch update.


For now I recommend before upgrading (especially with pg_upgrade) dropping it in the extension.




ALTER EXTENSION "postgis" DROP FUNCTION "public"."checkauthtrigger"() CASCADE;





From: Kered <dereksunpublic at> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 12:23 PM
To: postgis-users at
Subject: Failure during Postgres major version upgrade due to deprecated long_xact funcs


Hi there,


I saw postgres upgrade failure with following message (pg16.1 to 17.0, postgis 3.4.0 to postgis 3.5.0)


pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.checkauth("text", "text", "text")"

pg_restore: creating COMMENT "public.FUNCTION "checkauth"("text", "text", "text")"

pg_restore: creating FUNCTION "public.checkauthtrigger()"

pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC:

pg_restore: from TOC entry 558; 1255 18735 FUNCTION checkauthtrigger() pguser

pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not find function "check_authorization" in file "/local/home/pguser/temp/local_pg/installs/pg170/lib/postgresql/"

Command was: CREATE FUNCTION "public"."checkauthtrigger"() RETURNS "trigger"

    LANGUAGE "c"

    AS '$libdir/postgis-3', 'check_authorization';


-- For binary upgrade, handle extension membership the hard way

ALTER EXTENSION "postgis" ADD FUNCTION "public"."checkauthtrigger"();


(same for GetTransactionID)


I saw a previous ticket  which tried to drop it already, but I still see this. Is this expected or something that was missed during testing?




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