Help creating "corridors"

Luca Bertoncello lucabert at
Thu Feb 6 11:30:54 PST 2025

Am 06.02.2025 um 19:37 schrieb Regina Obe:

Hi Regina

> I don’t think OpenStreetMap data is going to help you with constructing
> flight corridors.  As I recall these are 3 dimensional areal paths.

I do NOT need 3 dimensional areal path. 2 dimensional is enough, since
the altitude is not important for these data.

> You ultimately need 3 dimensional data – data that has altitude
> restrictions, and the city point in openstreetmap is pretty useless as I
> think that might just give you the centroid of a city  which does not
> necessarily align with a corridor path.  OpenStreetMap is more focused
> on visible things on the ground.

I do have the coordinates of cities and other elements (valley, lakes,
and so on).
I think, if I can create a path with these coordinates and add (let's
say) 30km left and right, I'll get the most airfield in these
"corridors", isn't it?

> I was thinking sources like  or
>  might have it but not seeing corridor data
> there

They do only display airplanes, and I don't need this.

> But if you do have reliable points, to Simon’s point, here is a pseudo
> coded example

Ok, this looks like interesting...
I have to make some experiments...

> To create a true corridor you probably should buffer the line string too
>  and add an altitude  something like below which would expand the
> linestring to 500 meter area and then maybe you add a upper altitude /
> lower altitude as separate columns for restrictions, but I think even
> the altitude restrictions change across the corridor so even this might
> not be enough to assume it’s constant across the corridor

As I said, I don't need the altitude, but buffering could be a good
idea, since the tables are huge...

Thanks a lot
Luca Bertoncello
(lucabert at

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