[OSRS-PROJ] nad2nad command syntax

Jack Bowling jbinpg at shaw.ca
Mon Apr 8 22:44:51 PDT 2002

** Reply to message from Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> on Mon, 08 Apr 2002 11:38:03 -0400

> http://www.remotesensing.org/proj

> Jack Bowling wrote:
> >>% nad2nad -i,83,utm=10,-o,27,utm=10 -
> Jack,
> I fixed a couple other problems in your syntax but forgot to include it:
> % nad2nad -i,83,utm=10 -o,27,utm=10 -

Actually, I seem to be getting a bit closer with nad2nad.  I removed the older rpm and compiled the latest source. Here is the incantation that at least lets me talk to the code:

# nad2nad -i 83,utm=10 -o 27,utm=10  -        
Rel. 4.4.5, 9 January 2002
conversion region (-r) not specified
program abnormally terminated

So I try:

# nad2nad -i 83,utm=10 -o 27,utm=10 -r ntv1_can -
Rel. 4.4.5, 9 January 2002
datum file: ntv1_can, failed: no system list, errno: 2

program abnormally terminated

A check of my /usr/local/src/proj4*/nad directory reveals the following files:
# ls

alaska.lla  hawaii.lla   nad27          pj_out83.dist          README.NADUS  test83
conus.lla   Makefile     nad83          proj_def.dat           stgeorge.lla  TN.lla
epsg        Makefile.am  nad.lst        proj-nad27-1.1.tar.gz  stlrnc.lla    WI.lla
FL.lla      Makefile.in  ntv1_can.dat   prvi.lla               stpaul.lla    WO.lla
GL27        MD.lla       pj_out27.dist  README                 test27        world

Was an ntv1_can.lla file supposed to have been created during the compile?


Jack Bowling
mailto: jbinpg at shaw.ca
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