[OSRS-PROJ] cs2cs and datum shift: my solution

Roberto Vidmar rvidmar at ogs.trieste.it
Tue Aug 27 05:50:02 PDT 2002

Hi to all,

Roberto Vidmar wrote:

> Frank,
>  maybe I got the solution.
> From 
> http://www.posc.org/Epicentre.2_2/DataModel/ExamplesofUsage/eu_cs35.html 
> I got the formulae that I supposed you used in pj_transform.c. 

Probably this formula is wrong. Anyway it is diffrent from the formula I 
found in


and that agrees with the original version of the program. Please forget 
my preceding e-mail to this list.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Roberto Vidmar 
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