[OSRS-PROJ] On Proj4...

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu May 30 07:46:36 PDT 2002

Paul Selormey wrote:
> What is the specification or the true behavior that the VC++ does not
> satisfy?
> This way, I could also try my hand at it since I am working on the codes
> now.


The problem was that strtod("15d10") on VC++ treated the value as 15 times
10 to the exponent 10 (scientific notation).  The values like "15d10" are
common in DMS specific inputs.  The problem with replacing it with my
own implementation is I don't know how widely the custom strtod() is used,
and hence how much of the full strtod() functionality needs to be

>>static double ceval( struct PW_COEF *C, int n);
>>Apparently in K&R C untyped arguments were implicitly integers.
> Thanks. In fact, I picked my K&R C in bits and pieces :-) I was not lucky
> enough
> to use it :(

Lucky. Hmm.

> It is not an expanded macro version, but a replacement. I was hoping it will
 > take over but it can still run in parellel. It is just a beginning of my work
 > on the projection, I hope to work further on this even as I study map projections.

Of course you may fork the library, and develop in any direction you want to.
Making the code more readable, and evolving to a clean C++ implementation has
some value but two forks splitting the available maintenance efforts and user
base can have a negative effect on both forks.  Nevertheless you have goals
you want to pursue, and should your fork satisfy the needs of PROJ.4 users
better than the existing fork then I will have more time to concentrate on other
Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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