[OSRS-PROJ] Changes in EPSG codes?
Jan-Oliver Wagner
jan at intevation.de
Fri Oct 24 07:08:59 PDT 2003
On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 09:26:39AM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> What I would kind of like to have is a n "epsg_plus" table with all current
> EPSG definitions, plus ones deleted from older versions, plus ESRI custom
> codes. This could then be used by folks wanting to maintain a maximimally
> fleshed out set of definitions for MapServer and similar applications.
> However, building such a thing is not a trivial effort.
I propose to keep the deprecated ones in a separate file. It is easy
to merge if wished.
Attached is a startfile "nad/epsg-deprecated" together with a
corresponding patch for README. This would at least
explain the situation for others. Maybe eventually someone finds
the time to complete the file systematically.
Jan-Oliver Wagner http://intevation.de/~jan/
Intevation GmbH http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS http://freegis.org/
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RCS file: /cvsroot/osrs/proj/nad/README,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -3 -p -u -r1.3 README
--- README 5 Apr 2001 19:24:18 -0000 1.3
+++ README 24 Oct 2003 14:04:55 -0000
@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ proj_def.dat --- basic default file used
epsg --- Translation of EPSG GCS/PCS codes into PROJ.4 via init= mechanism.
+epsg-deprecated --- EPSG definitions that have been deprecated. They are
+ not part of 'epsg' anymore, but may have been delivered
+ with earlier versions of 'epsg'.
+ Thus, they might occur e.g. in WMS (Web Mapping Services)
+ running with old EPSG definitions.
+ This file is not complete at all - it contains just
+ definitions that were individually reported.
nad27 --- North American Datum 1927 for "init=" definition of
State Plane Coordinate Systems (SPCS).
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# DHDN / Germany zone 3
<31493> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0.000000000 +lon_0=9.000000000 +k=1.000000 +x_0=3500000.000 +y_0=0.000 +ellps=bessel +units=m no_defs <>
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