[OSRS-PROJ] proj4 parameter question regarding UTM

pw p.willis at telus.net
Fri Feb 6 15:31:34 PST 2004


I have been attempting to use proj to project latlons to utm.

In testing on the command line I get incorrect utm coordinates
based on the latlons that I am providing.

Question A.) (in case of a scaling problem)

What scale does does proj project latlons to.
eg. UTM feet, UTM meters

Question B.) (in case my parameters are wrong)

When using proj on the command line I am entering the following:

proj +proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +zone=10

Is that correct?

Here is what I get at the command prompt:

I enter my lons and lats at the prompt.

-143.228         55.380

proj returns incorrect values
-771781.86            6325041.42

Actual correct utm values for this coord WGS84 utm zone 10 (north):
358851.385 east                 6139389.448 north

Thanks for any help,


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