[OSRS-PROJ] Rectified Skew Orthomorphic...

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Jan 15 11:08:59 PST 2004

Carl Godkin wrote:
> Now I get exactly the right eastings and northings out of
> PROJ.4.  My question is, what should I do next?
> Did I miss some trick that would enable me to enter this
> gamma value for PROJ.4's omerc?   If so, please enlighten
> me.


To the best of my knowledge we didn't really support RSO before.

> If not, I would be happy to contribute either my PJ_rso.c
> or at least explain on this list what I had to change.
> (I based my changes on the mathematics described by the
> EPSG.)

Would it make sense to have this "gamma" value as an argument to
omerc that defaults to whatever it used to be, but that could
be set to produce the RSO projection?

In any event, if you provide the PJ_rso.c I would be willing to
incorporate it into PROJ.4, but it would be best if Gerald first
decided how it should be handled in libproj4.  I would want to
ensure that it is done the same way in PROJ, so that when I ditch
all my projection code and plug in libproj4 as the backend there won't
be an incompatible change in how RSO is handled for users.

Submitting the suggested change in Bugzilla would be a good start.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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