[Proj] Map Re-projections

Ryan Ollerenshaw ollerery at engr.orst.edu
Fri Jul 14 15:56:41 PDT 2006

When using proj4 with MapServer i am having a problem reprojecting some of my
raster datasets.

Some of the datasets have a prime meridian at 0 degress and others that have a
prime meridian at 90 degrees and i need these raster datasets to line up. but
when i specify a map projection as:


and a layer projection as:


Rather then the layer geting reprojected to the map projection I get a blank
image.  I do however get a different map image of i just change the projection
name of the map file to some like: lcc or merc.  But why am i getting a blank
image when i try to shift the prime meridian?

Thank you for any help you can provide,

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