[Proj] Converting to SRS:4326

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Jul 17 19:49:01 PDT 2007

Bradley Mclain wrote:
> I am having some slight problems with what you are saying, firstly If I use
> proj -I +init=epsg:28355
> I get a long list of different projections but no new numbers or anything.


I don't know this is.  When I use that commandline I get the usual
wait-for-input state, and no output till I enter values.

> Also secondly I am not exactly sure what input values I have to put it. 
> Is it my current extent or is it the longitude latitude values which 
> match this?
> What I want to get out is the correct extent for my map in EPSG:4326.
> Its current extent using EPSG:28355 is 301964.225304 6172911.602455 
> 439497.461276 6230476.242273
> With latitude and longitude 146.123 -34.2918 146.152 -34.2685

The proj command reprojects points, not rectangles.  You can get
a rough idea by reprojecting two corners, or a better representation
by reprojecting all four corners.  For instance if I do the following

warmerda at amd64[49]% proj -I +init=epsg:28355 << EOF
? 301964.225304 6172911.602455
? 439497.461276 6230476.242273

I get:

144d50'28.65"E  34d33'59.396"S
146d20'39.655"E 34d3'52.921"S

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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