[Proj] Accurate algorithm for geodesic calculations

Karney, Charles F. ckarney at Sarnoff.com
Mon Mar 2 12:05:46 PST 2009

> Again, this is not a language war, only a comment on how to reach the
> widest audience.  Anyone who is an expert in C++ can easily understand
> a C procedure but the reverse in not true.

Ahh..., but it's not the case that anyone who can write passable C++
code can write equivalently decent C code.  I went straight from Fortran
to C++ without stopping off at C.  And no, I'm not going to go back to
using Fortran.
Charles Karney <ckarney at sarnoff.com>
Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300

URL: http://charles.karney.info
Tel: +1 609 734 2312
Fax: +1 609 734 2662

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