[Proj] Need info on Pittman's paper on geodesics

Charles Karney ckarney at sarnoff.com
Sat Mar 14 15:24:52 PDT 2009

I'm looking for Pittman's paper on geodesics:

    M. E. Pittman.
    Precision direct and inverse solutions of the
    geodesic, Surveying and Mapping 46, 47-54 (1986)

Does anyone know how to get hold of this paper?  (Paying is OK, up to a

Also, does anyone know Pittman's method in enough detain to describe it?


Charles Karney <ckarney at sarnoff.com>
Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300

URL: http://charles.karney.info
Tel: +1 609 734 2312
Fax: +1 609 734 2662

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