[Proj] Are there newer windows builds than 4.4.6?

Kulawik, Norbert Norbert.Kulawik at geobasis-bb.de
Thu Feb 17 21:35:58 PST 2011

Hello all,

I just downloaded proj.4.4.6 as a windows prebuilt executable, which
appears to be slightly older than the source code version 4.7.0.

I'm experiencing similar problems as described in
Using a cs2cs command line like 

> cs2cs +proj=latlong +ellps=clrk66 +nadgrids=ntv2_0.gsb +to
+proj=latlong +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83

(with the ntv2_0.gsb properly installed and all environment variables
set, including debug) the first coordinates I enter (or just pressing
enter with no input) result in the message

pj_open_lib(ntv2_0.gsb): call
fopen(C:\users\Downloads\PROJ.4\proj446_win32_bin\nad/ntv2_0.gsb) -
*        * 0.000

and the next coordinates I enter give wrong results or zeroes.

Trying other NTv2 grids led me to believe that they are just ignored:
the resulting coordinates do not change when I - for example - enter a
wrong filename for the +nadgrids option. In that case, I get an error
message, though.

I suspect this all is because the windows version of PROJ.4 is a bit
old. Since I have no knowledge or tools to build it myself, is there a
place where newer versions of PROJ.4 are available as an executable

Any suggestions or other causes for this problem would also be

Thanks in advance

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