[Proj] wgs84 northings and eastings
Noel Zinn (cc)
ndzinn at comcast.net
Tue May 24 07:32:14 PDT 2011
Not a surprise that your requestor has no sample data. For northings and
eastings you do need to define a projection. However, without a projection
you can provide WGS84 geocentric X, Y & Z, also know as ECEF, within which
all the points are related by trigonometry in 3D with none of the scale
distortion that eastings and northings are heir to. Sell your requestor
that. An extra dimension gratis! -Noel
Noel Zinn, Principal, Hydrometronics LLC
+1-832-539-1472 (office), +1-281-221-0051 (cell)
noel.zinn at hydrometronics.com (email)
http://www.hydrometronics.com (website)
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Oberholtzer
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 8:24 AM
To: proj at lists.maptools.org
Subject: [Proj] wgs84 northings and eastings
I have had a request to provide locations (northings and eastings) in
wgs84. Up to now, I have always worked with a specific projection
somewhere in the world. Such a projection seems rather senseless to me.
But there you have it. My question is, given wgs84 lat/longs, how would
I request wgs84 northings / eastings from proj. Would this be adequate?
+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +units=m
Equally worrisome is that I am unsure how to test this as the requester
has no sample data. Sigh...
Yours sincerely,
Roger Oberholtzer
OPQ Systems / Ramböll RST
Office: Int +46 10-615 60 20
Mobile: Int +46 70-815 1696
roger.oberholtzer at ramboll.se
Ramböll Sverige AB
Krukmakargatan 21
P.O. Box 17009
SE-104 62 Stockholm, Sweden
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