[Proj] rHEALPix new parameters

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sun Oct 16 18:14:16 PDT 2011


I see you have not been working against PROJ trunk.  PROJ trunk
has moved to using a "context" structure for thread safety reasons in
many calls and you are clearly not yet caught up to that.  I'm not really
inclined to make a lot of changes to just get things working against
trunk.  If you can update to trunk I'll take another look.

Best regards,

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Michael Speth
<spethm at landcareresearch.co.nz> wrote:
> Thanks for looking into this.  Here is a link to the source.  Note, I have
> combined the healpix and rhealpix (still have more to implement on
> rhealpix).  The spole and npole parameters used can be found on lines 471,
> 472, 493, and 494.
> http://code.scenzgrid.org/index.php/p/scenzgrid-proj4/source/tree/master/src/PJ_healpix.c
> Thanks
> On 17/10/11 11:55, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Michael Speth
> <spethm at landcareresearch.co.nz> wrote:
> Thanks Frank!
> * New Parameters *
> For adding new parameters, what is the command line syntax?
> Example: proj -v +proj=rhealpix +lon_0=0 +a=1 +R_A +ellps=WGS84 npole=0
> spole=0 -E <<EOF 0 0 EOF
> This doesn't seem to work.  I've also tried using +npole=0 and +spole=0 and
> also doesn't work.  How do I fix this?
> Michael,
> I'm not sure.  With the "+" prefix, they should be available for pj_params
> calls.  If you provide your code I could investigate.
> * On Combining 2 Projections into 1 File
> Typically, there are 2 to 4 Functions FORWARD(s_forward),
> INVERSE(s_forward), and etc.  Would I need to create 8 of these functions (4
> for each projection)?
> Yes, I imagine so.
> Best regards,
> --
> Michael Speth
> Scientific Programmer
> Landcare Research
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