[Proj] Oblique Mercator problem?

Duncan Agnew agnew at cahuilla.ucsd.edu
Fri Sep 6 15:58:36 PDT 2013

Under proj 4.7.1, if I input   0 0    to

invproj +proj=omerc +no_rot +lat_0=33 +lonc=-116 +alpha=45 +ellps=WGS84

I get     116dW   33dN   as output. However, doing the same for proj4.8.0

	144d29'13.013"W 0d4'39.96"S

I've been using proj for some time; this has me baffled. (I should note
that the inverse and forward are consistent in both versions).

proj 4.7.1 was installed on Mac OSX 10.5, 4.8.0 on MacOSX 10.8
installed from MacPorts

Duncan Agnew
dagnew at ucsd.edu

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