[Proj] PROJ 5.0.0RC4

Kristian Evers kreve at sdfe.dk
Wed Feb 21 13:59:45 PST 2018

Hi Mateuz,

No, that is not intentional. The specific test looks for the null grid. Have you set PROJ_LIB to point to a folder with the grids in the datumgrid package? The same test has been acting up before when a different grid was used, so I am not too worried about this one not passing.

The reason why appveyor isn't using VS2017 is probably because the configuration was set up before VS2017 was a thing. You are welcome to add it in a PR :-)


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: proj-bounces at lists.maptools.org [mailto:proj-bounces at lists.maptools.org] På vegne af Mateusz Loskot
Sendt: 21. februar 2018 22:51
Til: PROJ.4 and general Projections Discussions <proj at lists.maptools.org>
Emne: Re: [Proj] PROJ 5.0.0RC4

On 21 February 2018 at 17:27, Kristian Evers <kreve at sdfe.dk> wrote:
> All,
> I have just prepared PROJ 5.0.0RC4. Downloads are here:
> http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-5.0.0RC4.tar.gz
> (http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-5.0.0RC4.tar.gz.md5)
> http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-5.0.0RC4.zip
> (http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-5.0.0RC4.zip.md5)
> Changes from RC3 are minor. The PostGIS guys found a bug related to
> error-reporting otherwise no functional changes.
> RC3 has also seen more testing on Windows via the prerelease package added
> to OSGeo4W.

I've checked build & install of the RC4 on using VS2017 15.5.7

mkdir _build.vs2017x64 (or _build.vs2017x32 for 32-bit target)
cd _build.vs2017x64

cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017"

cmake --build . --config Release --target install
ctest -C Release .

For both, 32 and 64 bit builds, this Builtins2 test is failing:

test 3
      Start  3: Builtins2

3: Test command:
3: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3: Reading file 'D:/tmp/proj-5.0.0rc4/test/gie/more_builtins.gie'
3: pj_cart_selftest fails with 64
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3: total: 44 tests succeeded,  4 tests skipped,  1 tests FAILED!
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 3/25 Test  #3: Builtins2 ........................***Failed    0.21 sec

Is this expected?

BTW, I noticed the AppVeyor does not build with VS2017, is it intentional?

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
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