[Proj] Coordinate system improvements - GDAL, libgeotiff, PROJ barn raising

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon May 14 07:34:33 PDT 2018


A barn raising to improve coordinate system abilities in GDAL, libgeotiff, and PROJ has been 
publicly launched today. You can find more details about the proposal, its current sponsors 
and technical information at:


The hightlights of the planned work are:

* migration for CSV support data to a SQLite database shared between projects, offering 
more capabilities

* WKT2 support: increased interoperability between implementations. better ground for 
definitions, especially in areas such as axis, vertical control, and epochs

* end of WGS84 as a compulsory datum pivot, to be replaced by "late-binding" 
transformations that PROJ.5 now allows.

We are currently at 2/3 of the final funding goal. If your software and projects benefit from 
the GDAL, libgeotiff and PROJ stack, this is your chance to concretely help in its future 

Best regards,

Howard Butler
Kristian Evers
Paul Ramsey
Even Rouault

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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