[Proj] Use of SQLite

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Mon May 21 07:45:37 PDT 2018

Am Mo, 21.05.2018, 12:52 schrieb Even Rouault:
> So the idea would be to import the tables from a EPSG database dump
> (potentially not in their raw form, but in a modified form to
> comply with current EPSG Term of Services.

Have a look at the documentation http://www.epsg.org/Portals/0/373-07-1.pdf

page 5 of 41:
"The EPSG Dataset is made available through three delivery mechanisms:
- The EPSG Registry, a web-based delivery platform.
- an MS Access database;
- SQL scripts which enable a user to create an Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL
or other relational database and populate that database with the EPSG

Wouldn't it be easy to use this structure?

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