[Proj] Use of SQLite

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue May 22 01:32:43 PDT 2018

On mardi 22 mai 2018 08:12:35 CEST Kristian Evers wrote:
> All,
> I may be missing the obvious here, but how is redistributing the
> (reformatted) EPSG dataset as a sqlite database different from the current
> situation where we redistribute the same information reformatted as a text
> file?

This is indeed an excellent point. This is just this discussion thread refreshes past painful 

The situation depends on the package considered.

- libgeotiff redistributes a full dump of the EPSG tables as .csv files. In Debian, this is 
considered as non-free as being tied to the EPSG term of services
- GDAL redistributes a partial dump of the EPSG tables as .csv files, with some rework and 
post processing. This is considered compliant with MIT
- PROJ redistributes the 'epsg' file with proj.4 strings generated by GDAL from the above 
mentionned GDAL .csv files (and similarly for PostGIS spatial_ref_sys.sql file)

For the envisionned work, we'll need to have at least the same level of information as used 
by GDAL, and also extra information like access to (part of) the content of the 
epsg_coordoperation for coord_op_type = 'transformation' entries that list the 
transformations between CRS codes, and the area of use table.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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