[PROJ] Incubate PROJ as an OSGeo Project?

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Wed Feb 27 08:37:18 PST 2019


PROJ is now rather healthy from a project management and release perspective, but it has been somewhat on its own in terms of project support. If we were to incubate into OSGeo, we as a project might enjoy some other benefits that we do not have access to:

* Foundation financial sponsorship for project needs (continuous integration, sprint travel, etc)
* Codification of project management principles (outlined in RFC 1 [1], which are OSGeo-compatible already)
* Access to shared infrastructure (we use OSGeo for download support and mailing list, with GitHub, AppVeyor, and Travis for everything else)

Michael Smith, Treasurer of OSGeo, has offered to mentor the PROJ project through OSGeo incubation. PROJ is already a pseudo-project under the OSGeo MetaCRS effort, and this activity would break that linkage and promote PROJ to a full OSGeo project. 

At this point, I think incubation into OSGeo is a fairly innocuous and reasonable thing for the PROJ project to undertake, but I would like to gauge the community's enthusiasm for such a thing. I don't see any significant downsides to doing so. Do you?

[1] https://proj4.org/community/rfc/rfc-1.html

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