[PROJ] Put PROJ-JNI bindings under PROJ wing?

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Tue Apr 14 03:53:38 PDT 2020

Hello all

A version 1.0 of Java Native Interface (JNI) binding for PROJ has been 
completed a few months ago [1]. Those bindings map PROJ C++ API to 
GeoAPI 3.0.1 (it was less practical to map the C API because of large 
conceptual model differences). The code is under the same license (MIT) 
than PROJ. Is there an interest for moving those binding under the wings 
of the PROJ project, not necessarily in the main Git repository but 
possibly as another product maintained by the project, similarly to 
PROJ-data? I would volunteer for maintaining those JNI bindings. I 
didn't maintained the previous bindings because the fact that it didn't 
implemented GeoAPI made it less usable for me, to the point that I was 
maintaining another binding of Proj.4 [2]. But with the new bindings 
under PROJ wing I would delete the other binding, so my focus would be 
on the PROJ one only.

What peoples think?


[1] https://github.com/Kortforsyningen/PROJ-JNI/
[2] https://github.com/opengeospatial/geoapi/tree/fd10ad11d1cb0e8ad27f89942ed54db0f406cb5e/geoapi-proj4

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