[PROJ] Vertical CRS transformations and vertical grid shift

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Apr 17 03:27:26 PDT 2020

> I'm not sure to have fully understood how the bilinear interpolation is
> being used in this process.

Hopefully as (loosely) described in http://www.epsg.org/Portals/0/373-07-2.pdf , "4.10.2 
Vertical Offset by Interpolation of Gridded Data"

Implementation starting at:

> Could you please do an example?

Left as an exercice to the reader: peek a point on a grid intersection, look at the value in the 
grid file and verify that PROJ exactly offsets elevation by this value. Now takes a point at the 
middle of 4 grid nodes, compute the mean, and check that PROJ applies this interpolated 


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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