[PROJ] Proper projection system for Aruba

Jelmer Baas Jelmer.Baas at speerit.nl
Sun Feb 9 11:18:04 PST 2020

Hi Jochem,

Thank you for the information. I'll dig through their documentation and contact them.

Here's to hoping I can provide the proj string, later on.

Jelmer Baas

From: Lesparre, Jochem <Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl>
Sent: vrijdag 7 februari 2020 17:31
To: Jelmer Baas <Jelmer.Baas at speerit.nl>; proj at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: Proper projection system for Aruba

Hi Jelmer,

Aruba's CRS is a local TM projection with its central meridian through the Hooiberg. Unfortunately it is not in the EPSG registry.

An approximate transformation is available in the PCTrans software by the Dutch Hydrographic Service:

If you want to use PROJ, the transformation parameters of PCTrans can probably be found in de documentation of the software or obtained by sending a message to NSGI:

Precise (sub metre) transformation parameters are available at the local authorities DLV, and more precise (centimetre) transformation parameters should be computed for DLV this year. However, I'm not sure if they share these. Contact information can be found here:
If this contact information is outdated, you can contact NSGI (see above) to ask to get you in touch with DLV.

Kind regards, Jochem

From: PROJ <proj-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:proj-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> On Behalf Of Jelmer Baas
Sent: vrijdag 7 februari 2020 16:01
To: proj at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:proj at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [PROJ] Proper projection system for Aruba


I'm trying to convert coordinates from what seems to be a custom projection system in Aruba, without much luck.

In their drawings, they have data around 3000, 18000. Whatever existing projection system I use (EPSG 24819, EPSG 32619), I end up at a completely different location.

For example:
echo 2936 18088 | cs2cs +proj=utm +zone=19 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-216.408,279.243,-203.231,-8.56912,40.8756,-12.5593,15.8909 +units=m +to +proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84
-8178296.58     17850.76 22.52

echo 2936 18088 | cs2cs +proj=utm +ellps=intl +towgs84=-216.408,279.243,-203.231,-8.56912,40.8756,-12.5593,15.8909 +units=m +to +proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84
-830835.88      16729.91 101.08

This is way outside the expected area. In 3857, the data should be somewhere between
-7800000, 1417000
-7777000, 1393000

I do have the attached ".gtf" files, but I'm unsure how to apply this in proj. Is the above string correct? What am I missing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jelmer Baas

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