[PROJ] Adding new projection to Proj4

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Sun Feb 16 05:52:01 PST 2020

I think Alessandro was proposing to add a new "projection method" (i.e. 
another set of mathematical formulas for doing the projection). This is 
a different work than assigning an EPSG code, which is more about 
setting parameter values to use with pre-existing formulas. If this is 
the case, then Alessandro's proposal and EPSG change request would be 
orthogonal tasks.


Le 16/02/2020 à 13:41, Jeff McKenna a écrit :

> Hi Alessandro,
> A new projection can be added into the EPSG registry by filing a 
> change request at: http://www.epsg.org/EPSGDataset/Makechangerequest.aspx
> I have went through that process several times now, to add a new 
> projection into EPSG, that is then automatically leveraged by software 
> projects, such as PROJ.  Of course it takes time, first for the EPSG 
> committee to review your request, and then also for the new projection 
> to propagate to all software projects.
> -jeff

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