[PROJ] Axis Order in Custom Projection

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Jul 9 07:25:04 PDT 2020


you could do that by building a pipeline
( https://proj.org/operations/pipeline.html )
chaining the tmerc projection with a axisswap operation
( https://proj.org/operations/conversions/axisswap.html )


> Hi
> I am working on a project to put GIS data into VR in Unity (see virgis.org
> for more info - very early stages).
> I am using Proj to convert Geospatial data into internal VR Space
> coordinates for a model. I did this by defining a custom projection for the
> internal model space ( of the form of "+proj=tmerc +datum=WGS84 +units=m
> +no-defs +lat_0=53.316200583246534 +lon_0=-1.791218230167096" where the
> lat_0 and lon_0 figures depend on the location of the model.).
> This is working well in both directions.
> However - one constant and annoying fact is that whilst all Geospatial CRS
> are "Z-up" i.e. altitude is the Z dimension, VR space is "Y-up". It is
> a purely procedural thing to swap the axis but it is a constant
> irritation and cause of failures!
> The ideal solution would be if the Proj coordinate operation produced
> coordinates in "eun" axis order! Would solve a lot of problems. I did try
> this to see if it was possible but (not unsurprisingly) got an error.
> Is there any way to do this? Or is it so far from the expected usage that
> it is just not possible?
> Thanks in advanced for any and all comments.

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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