[PROJ] Suggestion - add EPSG version to proj_info()

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Apr 12 02:37:01 PDT 2021


Le 12/04/2021 à 11:10, Roger Bivand a écrit :
> I realise that simple SQL on proj.db can return the EPSG.VERSION key 
> from the metadata table in proj.db, and that PROJ and EPSG versions 
> are hard-wired in a single run-time. Could also the built-time EPSG 
> version be made available?

You can use proj_context_get_database_metadata(ctxt, "EPSG.VERSION")

> An alternative would be a mechanism to allow rgdal to use "its" PROJ 
> search path, and GRASS (or other binary software) to use "its" search 
> path, but while I implemented this for PROJ 6 in rgdal, I went back to 
> PROJ_LIB because we need both the proj.db directory and the CDN 
> download directory (on both sides, I expect).

You can use proj_context_get_user_writable_directory() to retrieve it 
and then add it along your regular "PROJ_LIB" directory with 


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