[PROJ] Transforming from epsg:4326 to epsg:31468 produces a 2 meter offset

XCTrails info at xctrails.org
Thu Apr 15 00:32:16 PDT 2021


I have input polygon in epsg:31468 which I need to transform to epsg:4326

My current code boils down to this:

project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:31468","EPSG:4326",
poly = transform(project.transform, poly)

The problem however is that the resulting polygons have a 1-2 meter offset
according to visual inspection in QGIS. On reddit, someone suggested that I
might also need a datum transformation, on the pyproj4 issue tracker
someone said, that datum transformations are no longer needed in PROJ 6+
and that I should ask for clarification here. So here I am ;-)

Can anyone shed any light on why I get these offsets and what I can do to
fix this?
There's no offset if I manually reproject this in QGIS and compare it with
the original.

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